
  1. C

    Do you think I might have Fibro?

    Hi – new to forum. Wondering if anyone thinks this sounds like Fibro. It has been suggested by a doctor in the past but no one has ever addressed it further. I am 51, female, and in generally good health. I do have irritable bowel syndrome - have had it for 30 years. It presents with bad...
  2. S

    Diagnosed Today (this is long - sorry)

    This turned out a lot longer than I intended. TLDR: After many years of chronic pain I'm adding Fibro to my growing list of medical problems. Went to see my Rheum today for my three-month checkup, she said my most recent pain is a Fibromyalgia flare-up and that we will treat me going forward...
  3. VanGogh

    The X factor

    There are lot's of thoughts about this subject, this concept. and when I look up these exact words: " The X factor " what comes up over 2 pages ( 2 pages basically being everything ) everything has to do with the TV show developed by Simon Cowell which was a none hit here in America. I can talk...
  4. H

    Intense exercise and strict diet seem to be key

    Hello, Everyone! I don't want to make anyone feel bad if they can't do this. It just has helped me so much that I wanted to share my experience in case it might help someone else. I increased my exercise to try to suppress my disease with a high level of fitness and changed my diet, and it has...
  5. C

    newbie just a bit bout me

    hi i'm carol.i have been diagnosed with primary fibro'secondary sjorgens and ischail bursitis all within months of each other and I've had granuloma cellular {excuse spelling in all posts please}for years.i have been on a lot of forums as I have been tested for lots of autoimmune...
  6. C

    Gabapentin & Sleep walking

    Hi All, I know a lot of you are on gabapentin. I just started it about a week ago... Let me preface this by saying I have a history of sonambulism. It is worse when I am under stress. I do not feel stressed or anxious at the moment, and I have not had an incident of sleepwalking in some...
  7. P

    20 yrs in the making

    Long story of doctors/test/doctors/test boils down to Fibro. I've hit my body lowest and trying to accept. My spine/lower back and legs are always in extreme pain now. Chiropractor did help ALOT--got me unlocked when I thought I would end up in a wheel chair. I can walk, but it's not pretty. I...
  8. J

    Osteo/deteriorating discs/fibromyalgia

    Hello Everyone I am quite blown away how bad the pain has become -I used to think everyone felt this way and then had a new doctor who spent more time asking me questions and getting to know me and had several tests to discover I not only had bad back condition , which I have had for 7 years...
  9. D

    New to Forum and Diagnosis

    Hi! I actually joined the forum over a month ago. I thought it was about time to say hi and thank everyone for the posts and info I have gotten from here. It is so much better to hear it from people that are experiencing it. Some of my symptoms have been brushed over because they didn't...
  10. K

    Most if not all of my Fibro pain was due to Amalgam Fillings!!!

    My pain, confusion, brain fog started around age 13. I didn't realize that I had just had 7-8 filling put in years before from a dishonest dentist( because I really didn't need them). I lived very very difficultly until 3 years ago at age 47 until i had them removed. It took about 6 months to...