
  1. C

    Requesting Advice for Dr's Appt

    Hey all, I saw a rhuematoid dr twice, and I have decided to see a different rheumatoid doctor. Not necessarily for a 2nd diagnostic opinion, as I can say with probably 85% certainty that I have fibromyalgia. Rather, I want to see if she can provide more insight and a better treatment plan...
  2. M

    Lyme Disease

    I was researching and ran across a poor young lady that was diagnosed with m.s. ( Not convinced she went through yrs of searching). She lives in Canada and had 4 blood tests for lime disease. sp? Anyway all the tests came back negative. Finially after her persistance she found there were 2...
  3. M

    Lidocaine Patches

    After a recent injury to my foot, and hearing about Lidocaine Patches I asked my Dr. If he could perscribe some for me. He did 30 a months worth. I have been wearng them not only on my feet, but my lower back too. ( THEY HELP!!!).
  4. Tipnatee N

    I've got restless leg during sleep so much my butt looks fantastic in the morning!

    Sometimes I just wanna pore concrete on it so I can go back to sleep!! Grrr. I have so much leg pounding rumbling spasms and buzzing like I was out running marathons all night , in the morning my butt actually looks like I just stepping out from the gym 8-) Well that untill the the bloat and...
  5. Tipnatee N

    Chilblains have anyone ever got it?

    I know it's the winter illness but with fibromyalgia I suddenly getting them during summer heat . I'm very puzzling by it. When I was living in New Zealand 20 years ago I was diagnosed with this symptom call Chilblain . Chilblain is a very painful burning itchy red swollen on fingers and toes...
  6. M

    Anyone else exsperiance domino effect?

    7 days ago I twisted my foot, fell into uneaven ground. I imediatly thought, oh no! Ive done it this time. Soon after, more pains all over. My back, feels like a knife stabbing me, my knees, and now, my other foot. Im on crutches. Im so tired of Dr.s. I refuse to go to yet ANOTHER APPOINTMENT...
  7. Tipnatee N

    Anemia and other severe minerals deficiency

    Anemia is nothing new to me but lately do to my other fast severely vitamins and minerals lost than I could consume. I'm struggling trying to find the right balance. Since I eat healthy it seems to keep me together better than before and found some relief , yet there's a time when fibromyalgia...
  8. Sagey

    Interesting article on mind body connection

    The first component of mind body science is a molecule found on the surface of all our cells in our brains and our bodies. They are so small that millions cover a single nerve cell. This first component is called a receptor, and it is attached to a cell’s outer membrane. It lies exposed to the...
  9. C

    Fibro test, tightness in your chest, Cymbalta

    Hi - I am still trying to determine if I have Fibro or not (see my post in do I have fibro) folder. I DO know I don't have Lupus or Rheumatoid arthritis or Lymes, Epstein Barr, Parvo, Hepatitis C and some other things my doc ran tests for. My symptoms began in my hands (which continue to...
  10. VanGogh

    All of those strange stories.....

    A girl falls out of a tree and is cured of her illness. A person get's dental work and then hears radio transmissions. I fell down a flight of steps when my back was out and got up without pain. If any of these stories are true ( mine is ) doesn't it make you wonder what other off the wall...