
Medical related terms of interest to people suffering from Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Pain.

Fibromyalgia Medical Terms and Definitions

Rheumatic heart disease

Heart damage caused by rheumatic fever. Treatment involves prevention of reinfection with streptococcus and use of medications to treat any heart complications, as needed.


Emitting energy waves due to decaying atomic nuclei. Radioactive substances are used in medicine as tracers for diagnosis and in treatment to kill cancerous cells.

Radiation therapy, internal

Radiation therapy in which a small container of radioactive material is implanted in the body, in or near the cancerous tumor.

Radiation oncologist

A physician whose specialty is the use of radiation therapy as a treatment for cancer.


1. Rays of energy. Gamma rays and X-rays are two of the types of energy waves often used in medicine. 2. The use of energy waves to diagnose or treat disease. See also: Irradiation.


To spread out from a central area. For example, sciatic pain may radiate outward from the lower back.

Tumor suppressor gene

A protective gene that normally limits the growth of tumors. When a tumor suppressor gene is mutated (altered), it may fail to keep a cancer from growing.

Shin splint

An inflammatory condition of the front part of the tibia (the big bone in the lower leg) that results from overuse, as, for example, from running too much on hard roads or sidewalks.

Adhesive capsulitis

A condition in which a person has constant severe limitation of the range of motion of the shoulder due to scarring around the shoulder joint.

Compartment syndrome

A condition in which there is swelling and an increase in pressure within a limited space (a compartment) that presses on and compromises blood vessels, nerves, and/or tendons that run through that co
