Yet again cannot sleep


New member
Jan 5, 2025
Hi Guys. New to forums but am lay awake at 2.30am yet again. Whole house is asleep yet again. And I'm just so fed up and wish I could join them. What's more annoying is I had to work so hard to keep myself awake all day.
Anyone else having this?
hi @Samantha86

First up, do you have fibromyalgia? This site is basically for that.

Aside from that, quite a few on here say similar things.
Hi BlueBells

Yes I have fibromyalgia. Have had it a few years but only diagnosed 2 months ago after all the other tests to rule out other causes.

I have arthritis too.

I came across the site last night when I couldn't sleep again.

Welcome to the forums 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗

I found just being around others that truly understand, because they really are being there, doing that, it takes away so much stress and worry.

You are not alone. Not everyone gets the same issues, it's like a massive tub of symptoms, and everyone gets an handful or two.

Take care, and again, welcome :):)🤗🤗
@Samantha86 , as a person who was born with chronic insomnia, I can fully empathize with what you are experiencing.

Have you tried taking medication? It's not for everyone. And should only, of course, be taken with a doctor's supervision. But if insomnia is ruining your life ....and if you have fibromyalgia, then it will also increase your pain levels......then it needs to be addressed.

Other things can help as well. CBD, relaxation techniques, and so on. If you live where medical cannabis is available, that can help a great deal. If you have had this problem for a long time, no doubt you have tried a lot of things already, so I don't want to suggest a bunch of things that you have already tried. But if this is new to you, there are many things you can try.

You say you have to work hard to stay awake all day. Is there any way you can not do other words, take a nap or two during the day?

I hope we can be helpful to you with this and with all the other things that fibromyalgia brings to our lives.
Welcome Samantha.

Can you provide some more information? I'm curious as to why you cannot sleep. Is it due to pain? Is it due to anxiety or racing thoughts?

Also, can you please tell us what you have already tried for your insomnia? It would be easier to try to help you if we knew what you have already attempted. What worked and what didn't.
Thank you for replying, I didn't realise I hadn't turned my notifications on sorry.
Honestly I don't know why I can't sleep, Ive had a sleep study done (they are checking for any sleep disorders before looking to diagnose possible chronic fatigue syndrome alongside the fibromyalgia). They won't give me any medication until they get the results to make sure they aren't giving me drowsy medication in case I have sleep apnea or something which would be dangerous apparently. I'm hoping it will be clear and I can start amitriptyline which the Dr says is best.
I do try to have little naps but I work full time and also home school my high functioning autistic son so it's really hard to nap on weekdays.
Some days I sleep and have such fatigue that I can't wake up. I spent 4 days in bed after Xmas and still never felt refreshed.
Does anyone else have fatigue/insomnia like this?
I feel like a different person these days. I just want to go back to being how I was before all this
Sorry for complaining,.I promise I won't use this forum just to do that haha x
Oh just to answer you question Jamie, because my drs have advised against all meds until the sleep study results are back I have only tried things like relaxation, reading before bed, warm drink etc
@Samantha86 hey it's perfectly okay and encouraged to complain or rant or vent here. We even have a special thread for just that. It's an important part of our pain management, mental health and healing to be able to express ourselves and vocalize our feelings with others who can empathize.

From your response it sounds like the reason you cannot sleep is not pain related, so I would say it's most likely mental. The amitriptyline could be a good choice. I'll let your doctors deal with that. And I agree it's a good idea to the extra cautious especially if sleep apnea might be in the picture.

As for myself, I take magnesium and a muscle relaxant at bedtime to help with deep sleep and staying asleep. I also employ what I call mindfulness breathing which allows me to focus on my breathing and let any thoughts that come into my mind just float away like clouds. Since I suffer from anxiety, I also take clonazepam three times a day, but I take my last dose of the day about 3 hours before bedtime.

I have made sure that my mattress and pillow are suitable for minimizing my pain and keeping my spine and alignment. I use an arrangement of pillows as well to support my sleep position throughout the night.

Rest assured you are not alone. You asked if anyone else experiences this. Sleep problems are very common in fibromyalgia. You have plenty of company trust me.

One other thing I should mention is that sunset and darkness stimulate the body to produce melatonin which is a hormone that induces sleep. So if you can you also want to stop using your phone, keep the lights dim or turned off at night, and perhaps even read instead of watch TV one to two hours before bed. I find that for me personally I don't need to do these things so much, but we're all different and your body may not be producing enough melatonin. But the one thing I do do is stop using my phone a couple hours before bed. I like to spend two to three hours in my recliner in a comfortable position with my heating pad watching TV before I go into my bed. I find that this helps me wind down my day and erase all of the anxieties of the day from my mind and prepare my body for sleep by being in this relaxing carefree position and not doing any work, but rather just relaxing peacefully and enjoying myself.

We are here for you and please keep us updated on how things go with your doctor and your sleep issue.

🤗 Hugs!
Sure do a long with a laundry list of other symptoms.
I don't have any advice unfortunately , I don't take medication because most make me sick.
Wish I had the answer.
Samantha86 - I have the same issue and have had it the whole 38 yrs. I've been ill. I was told it is a circadian rhythm reversal, common in Fibro. The best you can do is try to reverse it. Take helpers to get to sleep, like a .3 mg. dose of melatonin, 100 mgs. Seriphos, Magnesium glycinate or threonate, etc. There are many others but these are the 3 I need to get to sleep. First thing each morning, go outdoors and face the sunlight for about 10 minutes. If that does not work, you may have to try forcing yourself to wake up earlier and do it around the clock until you can reset to the time you need to get up and go to bed. I have not done that, since I do not work anymore and it is very unpleasant to do. You can read up on circadian disorders to get more ideas. Good luck! Insomnia is miserable...
Welcome to the no sleep club. I sleep in shifts
To: Samantha86. You are not alone, not crazy, not making up any stories to gain attention. I have had chronic insomnia for 44+ years. Other people are giving you advice and you’re working with your doctors, so, for now, I want to encourage you to try to accept what is going on with your body as something to work through. I’m not saying just accept it and don’t do anything about it, but accept that something is not working correctly, and do all you can. But, don’t despair. Your sleep is off, not normal. Many people have no idea what it’s like to lie awake all night, feeling completely alone, even if there are other people in the home. For me, I need to be quiet so I don’t disturb the ones who are sleeping; they need their rest, also. It’s not easy to accept the unusual things we have to go through in order to stay sane while we don’t get the rest we need. I’ve had to develop some things I can do in a room by myself at night that won’t disturb anyone else. They love me, care about me, but I try to do my part in keeping their sleep schedules on track, so our family can function as normally as possible with an insomniac in the house. I have discovered that it does me no good to get upset when I cannot go to sleep, especially when I have something important to do the next day. I don’t need the extra pressure and any more anxiety on my plate. It has taken me years to get to this point. I have to be patient with myself. I pray, read my Bible, read fiction/nonfiction, write, journal, crochet, watch movies, play calming games that engage my brain (word or math games—things that keep me from thinking about the fact that I am still wide awake at 2:00 a.m.) Sometimes at 4:00 a.m., I tell myself that if I could just get a nap, my day will go well. Then, I just have to get up at 5:15, and get my day started. I’m saying you are not alone. There are many on the journey with you; we are all at different stages of starting with new doctors, trying new meds, throwing out meds that did not help, getting discouraged because the medical community doesn’t take us seriously, trying to find friends who are at least sympathetic, doing our best to live with the set of problems we have, trying to be sympathetic with people who are going through life-threatening diseases, loving those around us, trying not to be bitter, sometimes feeling like we are at the bottom of a dark pit and no one cares. I care about you. I’m sorry that you can’t get rest. I’m sorry you have to jump through “medical hoops” of this test and that test, this doctor and a different doctor. I’ve had to move and live in different states; sometimes that meant I had to leave a doctor who did understand and worked hard to help me, then go to a new state and not be treated with dignity in the new medical community. I’ve had doctors write in my medical records that I just wanted attention. The truth is that I could easily live the rest of my life without ever trying to explain to another doctor what my symptoms are and list all the treatments that I’ve tried.
I’m new to this forum—new to any forum. When I learn how, I want to know if there’s a way for the insomniacs to keep each other company while the rest of the people in our time zone are asleep.
Stay with some group; if this group helps you, please stay.
Please keep us informed. Share whatever you would like to share. You don’t have to tell us your name or location, you can just know that somewhere (probably nearby) someone else is wide awake also. Give others a chance to help you. I’m a little too tired right now, but sometime I’ll try to share how I relate to my family and friends to help them know what I’m capable of doing and what I simply cannot do. It has taken many years, but I do have some family members and some friends who understand that I want to go and do everything with them, but every day of my life there is the possibility that I will have to change my plans because I haven’t slept well for several days and can’t move another inch. But, like this morning, I only slept from 4-6:00 am, rested in bed until 8:00 am, and then suddenly had the energy to get dressed and attend worship services. My family and friends were as happy to see me, as I was to see them. And my friends know that even scheduled lunch dates with me are only a hope until about 10:00 a.m., when I can determine if I can dress and drive to a restaurant to meet them. But they hang in there with me, and the fun times are even better because we’re all happy that I made it there that day. There’s hope for you, too. I care about you, Samantha86 !
Yes, I have problems sleeping, have had FMS for almost 30 years. I have a sound box which makes different sounds, I listen to soothing rain, and that has really helped me. If I can't sleep I just breath and concentrate on the rain sound and fall asleep pretty quickly. Of course, there are those nights when that doesn't even work, but that's what my kindle is for. Good luck.
@bbbarnard .....Thank you very much for your supportive and helpful posts here and on other threads.

I have a favor to ask of you. Could you please break your posts into short paragraphs? I and several others here have a very hard time reading large blocks of text that are not broken into paragraphs, and the result is that fewer people will read your posts and benefit from them if they are written in this way. If you would be so kind as to break up your posts into paragraphs for us we would appreciate it! Thanks.