Writing thesis on Fibro and Touch, anyone down to be interviewed?

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I'm noticing a lot of temperature related discomfort in my hands as well, I should try silk fingerless gloves. Plus it sounds like a cool look! I've also been getting more sensitivity on my ears and cheeks/face, they get a cold burning feeling for hours after if I get too cold or am out in the wind. Have you experienced that at all?
Hi Oberon, I do get a burning sensation at times on my cheeks and ears that lasts a while, but maybe not as long as yourself. I would definitely recommend the gloves, the tricky part was cutting them but worthwhile for the comfort.
Hi Oberon, I do get a burning sensation at times on my cheeks and ears that lasts a while, but maybe not as long as yourself. I would definitely recommend the gloves, the tricky part was cutting them but worthwhile for the comfort.
Do you know what triggers the burning sensation in your cheeks and ears? I'm pretty sure it's cold and wind for me.
It does seem to be aggregated more by cold weather exposure. I'll be glad when it warms up, at least until it's very warm and I start feeling rough with symptoms like swollen hands and feet.
I'm with you on that one... I feel like I can only be comfortable within such a narrow temperature range ugh. I'm very excited for springtime
Are you still looking for interview participants? I will email for an appointment, if so.
I feel like I can only be comfortable within such a narrow temperature range ugh.
The sun is out! ☀️ 😎 Great! But I still need my five pairs of socks, and get nauseous from sitting longer in it than 10'.... :rolleyes:
Are you still looking for interview participants? I will email for an appointment, if so.
Ketch, I am no longer doing interviews, deadlines are fast approaching but thank you for the interest!
The sun is out! ☀️ 😎 Great! But I still need my five pairs of socks, and get nauseous from sitting longer in it than 10'.... :rolleyes:
Five pairs! Damn, my feet and hands get so frigid but I hadn't thought of layering socks
I've been wearing seamless cotton or wool socks for many years now. Their sold by UK firm Cosyfeet. Very light and comfortable. After finding better shoes and trying these socks the awful burning on the soles of my feet calmed down. The skin is still irritable but far calmer with these gentle socks. Wearing two layers can help on colder days. It's awful when our hands and feet are cold so much of the time.
UK firm Cosyfeet
Cosyfeet pride in some of their socks being cotton-rich or bamboo, which both contain 25% "plastic". Only mohair are 85% natural and "supreme comfort" would be the least bad for me: 96% natural, 4% plastic.

Sensitivity from MCAS:
But all my clothes need to be 100% cotton or on the outside 100% wool, not even 2% elastane or anything.
My body quickly "knows" and "shows" (sharp odour), even if I don't.
Unfortunately for me 100% cotton isn't 100%, manufacturers are allowed to put a few things in cotton without declaring them, and I sometimes don't tolerate these either, occasionally even the organic ones I always get.
I can't 'afford' the odour as I can't shower much or use much deodorant.
(I can just about wear a hoodie with some 'plastic' (fleece from recycled polyester) if I wear it outside a second one with only organic cotton.)

Cold extremities from Raynaud's:
Plastic in them would probably keep me warmer. But 5 pairs do keep me warm.
However sometimes (like yesterday, temperature had gone down from 16°C to 9°C) I still need a hot water bottle inside and occasionally iron oxide foot and/or hand warmers outside.

Flexible shoes necessary for 5 pairs of socks:
5 pairs are a bit tight, but I'm surprised how flexible my same shoes are - also plastic-free, except the soles, that's probably the reason for their stretchiness. (Unfortunately thus not vegan in the winter, but "Chucks" from organic cotton and natural latex soles in the summer.)

Plantar fasciitis:
A few months ago I suddenly thought that occasional foot pain for a few days was coming from folds in the socks, but couldn't prevent it by stretching them more while putting them on. 'Researching' on youtube I found it fitted to 'plantar fasciitis', did the exercises regularly and it was quickly gone. (One of many things where youtube was better than my very good acupressurist.)

deadlines are fast approaching
Good luck and a clear head for the final spurt! (Anything to proof read?)
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yes i would do an interview ;)
Good luck and a clear head for the final spurt! (Anything to proof read?)
Wow I’m so sorry you have to deal with such touchy (haha) sensitivities! That must be really frustrating and challenging to find clothes that work for you.

Thank you, I hope the brain fog will clear enough for me to get it done! I will let you know when I’ve got more chunks of our conversations written up, I’ll definitely take you up on the offer to proof read 😊
It's going alright, I had to take a break but I'm back working at it. As of right now I have enough participants but if you want to share any thoughts on fibro, touch, and intimacy here I am always excited to hear more discussion!
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