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well i was hoping folks would have tryied the clothes pin and put in some comments for us to learn from. like what your family member said after. what they said if they didnt want to try it. keep learning and posting folks. it all we can do at this point.
hello folks! im once again trying to keep this post at the top for folks to read.
i know it helps. please post here when you have read it. helps keep it at the top where other folks can find it.
hello folks! im once again trying to keep this post at the top for folks to read.
i know it helps. please post here when you have read it. helps keep it at the top where other folks can find it
Thank you for post--that is exactly how I feel when my friends think they have all the answers and my family thinks that I'm just a whiner!
I agree with everything you originally said: Nerve Pain.

My condition "hit" me with an emotional trauma in July 1999, I can still go thru it like it was yesterday, it was such an impact on my being.

The Fight/Flight/Fright experience which is hypothalamus connected. I even took some Hypothalamus glandular years ago. I've improved a lot in the FM area as I've addressed so main issues are OA and a hip job mess, another BIG physical trauma.

We all work and manage it in our chosen ways. I had posted My FM theory before I even read this. Thanks.

PS: I don't talk about FM a lot as people/friends/family do get tired of hearing it.
jam, thanks for posting your thoughts here.

i noticed that there is a recall on hip replacements and also a class action suit about it.

Please look into those if you haven't already.

Yes people just dont see anything wrong with us. like we dont see they have a headache.
this is the place to talk about for FM. folks here understand and want to help you.
izzyb, thanks for sharing your thoughts. i hope it can help you with family and friends.

please also see my post "starting a daily log book and why it helps" it will help you understand your doctor as well.
jam, thanks for posting your thoughts here.

i noticed that there is a recall on hip replacements and also a class action suit about it.

Please look into those if you haven't already.

Yes people just dont see anything wrong with us. like we dont see they have a headache.
this is the place to talk about for FM. folks here understand and want to help you.

One has no idea until they go thru a replacement surgery, go in hoping for improvement and come out with SURPRISE....only pain I don't have anymore is Groin Mess...that is the main reason I did it. Xray showed a mess of groin crumbled bone/cartlidge....but I'm left with too many complications from Anterior many ways I can say "botched"....but the surgeon came highly recommended...

The lawsuits as I understand them are defective products from some far as I know my "parts" are OK....I have a dialogue going on now with surgeon as I finally called him on the "botch"....about 15% I've read and heard come out with complications from Anterior approach. Patients have rights and doc is not perfect even though too many want us to believe that.

All I can say from my experience, keep your parts, unless as a last resort do major work. I do believe I did all to save myself from surgery, believe me. I work with PRP MD's, platlet rich plasma injections and even tried that but my groin mess was beyond repair. J

Hope I didn't stray too much OT, but everything is connected, I'm not just FM. And I know many with FM also deal with OA and some RA.
hello folks i was out of town for a couple of weeks.

im once again trying to keep this post at the top for folks to read.
i know it helps. please post here when you have read it. helps keep it at the top where other folks can find it.
trying to get this post up front so folks can find it.
Hi there cmetryme. I have to say I like the idea of using a cloths pin. I've had only one person truly ask and want to know what its like. I used the headache idea and it worked. I could see the light bulb go on. :) I have been oh so glad that I found this forum. I like knowing I'm not alone.
@ Jamin I also am dealing with OA of the knees. Its not fun that's for sure.
Gentle hugs to everyone.
thanks for posting here pattid.
im so glad you found something in our posts that helped you.

we are glad you found us too. you will never be alone again as long as you continue to join in our group.

asking questions, giving answers and telling us what you learned helps all of us here.

venting helps.

knowing what fibromyalgia is and learning it from the ones that have it. makes more sense then reading though 1000's of pages on Google and websites
from folks that are just guessing what it is and how we feel.
This is a really interesting thread.

I found it funny that you mention that the cold doesn't bother you cmetryme. I was just walking through the grocery store and getting a burst of cold air (pain) and then a burst of warm from the motors on the cold displays. (better.) Over and over.

Added to the fact that it's cool, damp and humid here and I'm really having a hard time.

I also get the electric shock feeling.

I am curious to know whether you think that the fatigue of fibro is only related to pain? I sleep fairly well, but am still always exhausted.
This is an amazing post! Cmetryme, the two posts I've read by you are going to be extremely helpful for me. It's been so hard explaining what fibro is to those who don't know. You rock!

Fatigue is many things. the REM sleep is the healing sleep. your not getting that.
to get there im told by my doctors that it takes 1 1/2 hours to two hours. if you keep waking up then you will have to start the two hour process
again. i went through the waking up in pain for many years and the fatigue will cause you pain and many other things. your body is not healing so your immune systems is working over time. even a simple cut will take longer to heal as your system is trying to fight everything at once. it will make you pass out over and over again. some with fibro say the cold helps some say the hot helps. i believe it has to do with the state our bodies are in at the time. you need the healing sleep. try everything i said to get the reduced stress and the sleep. once you have the fatigue under control you will see a big difference.

some say sleeping pills help them. i tried benadryl as that always made me sleepy.

our bodies tell us what to do. you just need to listen. your body will do what ever it wants to. like pass out with fork in hand at the dinner table.
some tell me oh i slept 10 hours today. but i work up tired and weak. the answer was i was in bed for 10 hours sleeping only 1-2 hours at a time and turning over because of pain. starting the cycle over each time.

im glad you asked the question and i hope i gave you an understandable answer.
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