What Do You Use for FIBRO FOG?

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Define PD please.

PD ( Panic disorder) it's a panic attack symptoms that can happen often for unknown reason at anytime , sometime even more than once a day . Simply put , I'm more scare of my PD than my Fibro.
I completely sympathise, was the fibro fog that affected me before the pain did, and I eventually lost my job due to it.....the number of times I can't even remember how to open up a packet of food....would love to know if any supplements work!
I completely sympathise, was the fibro fog that affected me before the pain did, and I eventually lost my job due to it.....the number of times I can't even remember how to open up a packet of food....would love to know if any supplements work!

I think most people lost job do to fibro fog once it get very bad , me included. English isn't my first language but shockingly with fibro fog I lost my first language skill ( which is Thai) and I can't even understand a word that they speak , it completely sounds like a gibberish to me while I can still understand English just fine. Odd right? I was secretly hope that it might boost my third language skill ( like that guy who had a car accident then woke up speak nothing but Chinese) which is Japanese ,but I guess it was just a wishful thinking cause that's also went down the toilet lol. But there are many claim for a smart supplements. I don't think it works the same with everyone, so for me a shock with cold ( cold blast, cold shower pain ) seems to do the trick of shocking my brain function back from time to times. I oftenly use one pain to cancel another too, a small trick I pick up while I was traveling in New Zealand . It works on me like an electrical charge short term boosting my memory lost.
I also find that Tramadol helps me with the "fog". In my case, I don't think the Tramadol is actually doing anything directly about the "fog", but through experimentation I have found that if I take both Tramadol and Gabapentin in the evening I wake up feeling very significantly better in the morning; more clear-headed and even a little less depressed than I am without taking those medications.

I think that the only explanation is that I am sleeping better, more deeply, with those drugs in my system than without them, and probably because my body is not in so much pain and so I am not uncomfortable, can rest. That is what makes sense to me, anyway.

Whatever you can do (not necessarily Tramadol) that will help you to sleep more deeply, and perhaps longer, will help you with the "fog", I am convinced. May not make it go away completely, but if you don't get enough truly deep and restful sleep it interferes with the brain's functioning, even in a completely healthy person.
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