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My mom started taking vitamins in hopes to help her fibro several years ago. She was bad enough with it she was going to try get on disability. The vitamins however worked so well for her she now considers herself to be in remission from fibro! This is the amazon link to the ones she started taking. I am going to have a go at them. The link below is without iron, if you do want to take iron you can get them with it :)

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I definitely think it's worth a shot for everyone. I'm terrified of prescription meds so I'm hoping this will help me.
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I just picked up the book the Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution by JacobTeitelbaum, MD. He said it is a shorter version of an earlier book. I have only read a couple of chapters, but call this solution the SHINE; Sleep, Hormonal deficiencies, Infections, Nutritional support, Exercise as able.
the one thing I was happy to hear from "ya'll" is the vitamins. My body doesn't tolerate a lot of drugs, and Vitamins upsets my stomach. so I start each morning with BOOST for some vitamins and a pharmacist suggested I try one of the children's "Flintstone" vitamins. I have gastrophrises, (?) spelling and my stomach doesn't empty out properly which gives me a lot of acid. I can't each fresh vegetables or fresh fruit, but eat a lot of chicken and can vegetables. So I tried last night before bedtime to take up again the vitamin and I feel a little better today. We will see. Then up with the Boost with high protein. (protein is needed for your muscles and as well as making sure you have good Vitamin D. ) Maybe I will keep this going or try your Source Naturals. I can't take anti-depressants, gabinan or Lyrica, they don't agree with my system which make me feel I have no control over my body and shake terribly. I take at night amitriptlyn very small dose to calm my body down and diazapam to also calm and help me sleep. It is the day time I don't have any meds except Aleve and that doesn't always cut it. any other suggestions, except hot showers every morning to get muscles relaxed?
That is a key situation angelstar, our bodies are not supposed to endure so many drugs, we should be able to fight the disease in another way.
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