Video: How To Explain Fibromyalgia To Family & Friends

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If you ever watch enough YouTube video, you'll know there're lots of robot voice videos out there. I used to hate the sound so much, but in this case I think it's hilarious that it is robot cause I personally hate and super annoyed by having to explaning my condition to people do to my depression/ anxiety&panic which leading back to fibro flare up.. Especially when I have to repeat my self to people over and over about it do to my fibro fog. Forcing them to listen to robot voice and emotionless video is a great small revenge.
Tipnatee, no offense, really, but that makes no sense to me at all.
If I wanted a video to explain something to someone, I would want it to be something that they would really want to watch. something that they could relate to and that would catch their attention, and make them think, and maybe influence them.

If someone wanted me to watch a creepy robot-voiced and poorly animated film about something it would have just the opposite affect on me. It would annoy me and make me even less inclined to listen to what it said, let alone want to care about whatever the subject matter is.

I would suggest that if you want someone to care about your condition, this video is a very poor way to approach that.
Offence not taken. I respect your opinions. But isn't the point of this particular video posted because it happen to be one of the most accurately explanation so far? ( believe me I looked everywhere) if you can find a better video that can explain to your liking please post it , rather than dwelling on about how bad robotic animation style it is . I think that is such a waste of your precious emotion, is it not?
IMO I agree with sunkacola. Not a waste of emotion at all. It's her opinion.
would you be the one to make a good video for us? I'd like to see it .
wow, Tipnatee, you sure are having a strong reaction to my opinion, after saying that no offense was taken!

I have absolutely no emotion involved in this, so none is being wasted.
But it sounds as though you are wasting some, here.

There's no need for you to be challenging to me, telling me to make a video if I don't like that one. All I did was voice an opinion.
What the heck is your problem?
You've got a wrong idea , I was laughing most of the time while replying cause I was finding this rather funny. I didn't know I was sounding offensive to anyone. I guess emoticons probably needed next time for accurately expressions? I can't seem to find the emoji when I click the quick reply though. &#55357;&#56881; << I mean can you see this?
This video was posted to provide help to people who need a way to approach the subject of the effects that fibromyalgia has on our bodies and minds. If you don't like it then don't watch it, but please do not use this forum as a place to voice hateful rants. This disagreement you are promoting here is not helping any of our members.
This forum and it's contents is to provide a safe place to discuss our on going health issues. I would hope that you both can follow the rules in future posts.
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