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Active member
Nov 27, 2021
Hey guys,
I’m really really hurting and nothing is helping yet. I’m looking into a sciaticalotion and a fibro supp that I see on sale what do you guys think?
Rhus tox
Magnesia perforatum
Bhaphalum polcaphalim
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Hey Lemon: Ah, a riddle, a hidden riddle, what a challenge :cool:

belladona = belladonna, which is toxic, so the cream must all be homeopathic - which potencies (D12?) are stated?
Also a lot of the names are miswritten, praps the writing was too small?
"perforatum"? would seem to be Hypericum perforatum, which is St. John's Wort for relaxation.
Magnesia? - sounds like "milk of magnesia" = magnesium hydroxide, reduces stomach acid, laxative.
Rhus tox. is something I've tried for "rheumatic" pain. tox = toxicodendron, i.e. poisonous flower.
Colocynthis again toxic, so homeopathic, for sciatica: Which potency?
Capsicum = a sort of pepper, anti-inflammatory
OK, with bhaphalum polcaphalim you have all search engines I use stumped, so using the unriddled ones above to search for a sciatica cream and have quickly come up with ...
MagniLife - on amazon, but currently unavailable there. This contains:
Belladonna 3X HPUS, Capsicum annum 3X HPUS, Colocynthis 3X HPUS, Gnaphalium Polycephalum 3X HPUS, Hypericum Perforatum 3X HPUS, Magnesia Phosphorica 3X HPUS, Rhus Tox 3X HPUS. Also a lot of stuff like lavender to make it smell nice.
3X means a dilution of 0.1% (= D3), which I think considering the toxicity of belladonna is not diluted enough.
Gnaphalium Polycephalum is the one I was missing, cudweed, "of unquestioned benefit for sciatica" says webhomeopath.
Would I take it? Well, just creaming may be of benefit for the blood flow. It shouldn't be harmful, altho I'm surprised at the "high" concentration of belladonna, praps because it's not oral tho. I use a partly homeopathic arnica complex cream which seems to help me. So.... who am I to say we are silly trying "scientifically impossible" things. Shouldn't be expensive and try with a small area first.
Valeriana = normally for relaxing, sleep
Rhistox = Rhus tox. = Rhus toxicodendron, for rheumatic type pain, see above.
Pulsatilla = pain
Magnesia .... ->
Phosphorica = Magnesia phosphorica = again seems homeopathic
Not sure if you understand homeopathy: The gist is that if poisonous things are diluted (and shaken up with a carrier substance) they will stimulate our natural body defense and thus heal us gently, with only perhaps an initial worsening, at least if taken orally. In my 'tradition' it needs to be shaken up (a lot), and I can't see that American homeopathy is doing so, unless 3X also means 1000 shakes, like D3 means. In classical homeopathy a homeopath chooses one remedy after a long very meticulous anamnesis, and these laugh about all combination products. OTOH there are quite a few different stances, also in comparison to Hahnemann's 'discovery' in the 19th century, OTO it seems to help, and it can be a placebo, maybe more.
OK, to come back to the title you've chosen:
Have you really tried all the regular supps & diets we've recommended first? These have much more evidence for them! I wouldn't prioritize homeopathy, it's just a nice extra.
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Hi Lemon,

I agree with JayCS - you can definitely try these things, but there are many other possible options with more evidence behind them. Don't hop over the good stuff too quickly!

You've been here with us for a month, which is a very short time to try lifestyle changes or supplements with any expectation of results. I'm sorry if you've already told us (I'll blame the brain fog!) but how long ago were you diagnosed? It's really helpful to look at fibro management as a long game - real rewards usually require a time investment.

It took me more than a year to get a handle on my own symptoms, but the result was getting pain, fatigue, depression, cognitive issues, and the rest down to about 30-40% of my previous baseline, and ultimately reclaiming my life - a little different, but something I can work with.

With consistency, we can transform our experience, but consistency is key!

Whatever you try, I suggest giving that thing long enough to really know what impact it's having (a few dedicated weeks at least) before moving on to your next experiment. This way, you'll know what works and what doesn't. If it works, then keep that ball in the air, and make that thing a part of your life. Most of us wind up stacking several different things until we find a blend of strategies that really helps. It takes time, but it's worth it.

If you do try something and it helps, please do let us all know! New ideas are always welcome 🌻 Best of luck to you.
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As Jemima says, you need to give each new thing you try a really good long time to see if it is helping or not. If you have been trying any of the things I write about in my post of advice on managing FM (and if not, I highly recommend that you start now) you will know that I emphasize giving each new thing a long trial and not giving up too soon. If you go from one thing to another every couple of weeks or so you will never fid what really helps you because everything takes time to show its effects.

I personally am a proponent of homeopathy, as I have seen it do significant things. But I agree with the above posters that you should first be persisting with the other things recommended here. Like experimenting with diet, getting exercise, doing mental work to reduce stress, and so on.

So in answer to your question - What I think is that you need to be more persistent with trying only one or two things.
Keep at it, and do not discount it or say it is not working until you have given it a really good try. And don't keep adding new things in. If you keep adding or changing to something new, you won't ever find the proportion of the right things that will do the best for you. Try only one or two things at a time (like a diet experiment and some exercise), stick with that diligently for 4 to 6 weeks, and then if there's no change at all (keeping a journal will help with this), try a different thing. there are many things in my post that really need to be tried first.

Also please take note that homeopathy is not something that you can do yourself if you want the best results. It has to be prescribed by a homeopathic doctor who knows what would be best for you. What works for one person won't work for another. Sure, you can just buy the stuff and use it. But if you really wanted to give it a good and proper try you need to go to a homeopathic doctor because it is not so simple as just taking this for that problem.
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