Tingling face?

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I have also been having tingling and numbness, it can be scary! All day Sunday I was feeling faint and unable to eat anything. Was up all Sunday night with such a bad headache and dizziness and then on Monday morning I was vomiting and my partner called out the paramedics and they did BP, pulse and an EGD and everything was normal. They said it was a bad attack of vertigo (apparently another symptom of Fibro) and advised me to visit my own GP which I did and was given tablets for vertigo and after taking just 3 tablets I feel so much better today. Also I suffer from sinus problems, GERD and IBS which all seem to start at the same time.
Don’t be surprised if you find a queue of men trying to swipe your coffee just for that privilege x x x
Thanks, JayCS. I know I'll have to make some decisions soon. There are alternatives to the workplace I'm in now with my company and career that could further reduce my physical activity and give me a few more years. I have good days and bad days. And, when I don't have flares, the physical activity helps. Once I get going (painful for a while), the movement feels good. Staying sedentary, at this stage, would be worse for me, And, on my days off, I have to be careful not to sit too long. Fortunately, I have a dog that likes to walk and likes to poke around and go slowly. She's a good dog and sometimes, when I'm in really bad shape, mimics my limp. No matter what, we get out and go; even if it's just for a little while. I plan on getting some different supplements--the alpha lipoic acid and COQ10 that jemima mentioned. I had tried condroiten supplements that really had no effect. What do you take? Thanks again for the response.
Hi VWade. Sorry to hear about that. I have momentary feelings of deep nausea but they pass. I have had digestive issues for years now and have figured out over time what I can and can't eat. I really have to concentrate on the fruits and vegetables with limited meat protein and only good fats. I cut out my favorite things--candy, cookies, SUGAR--entirely and most processed foods. I thought I had IBS for a while, too. Was tested for Celiac, did food allergy elimination trials, the whole thing. I feel like I've been working on this forever. At least for now, this works for me. I'll hate it if I have to give up my coffee, though!
Hi again knovesrx: Love how empathetic your dog is! :-) 🐕
Altho probably not healthy for us humans to be like that, at least I did well to untrain that sort of empathy!
Sounds like movement and rest is in good balance for you at the mo.
Occasionally it's better for me to move altho Achey,
but often its ambivalent having more energy than my body can cope with and feeling so wonderfully normal doing something hard and fast,
lifting things others can't, cycling fast,
but I need to "set an alarm" or have people who know what'll happen or see it happening before I do,
so the backlash only lasts for hours, not days....
None of the normal supps helped ("all" vitamins, minerals, hormones, Q10, "all" diets), except praps the 2 magnesium types & passiflora for sleep I'm still usually taking, & canola oil for omega 3.
My mainstay aside from cryotherapy & acupressure are amino acid neurotransmitters,
mainly GABA for serotonin & balancing dopamine with glutamine & theanine, fine-tuning amounts & times.
From these I got the most surprising positive fx (esp. on energy & stiffness), plus tolerable sfx, I ever got from anything, supps, herbs or diets.
More coming up, taurin is next (then SAMe, D-Ribose, NAC, serrapeptase)...
Thank you, JayCS. I appreciate the kind response. I apologize for replying late; work has been bananas. Thanks again. I will definitely pick up some GABA to start with. I eat pretty clean. It's a work in progress but am getting a lot of vital nutrients through food and have lost about 20 pounds in the process. It sounds like this might also help with stress and frankly, that'd be terrific. I know what you mean about "setting an alarm" but, this is honestly the hardest part for me. I am going to do my best to keep this body moving as long as possible and thank you in advance for any more education you'd like to impart.
Where do you get all these things from? Are they from the gp/ health store or what? Where can I get gaba?
Auriel, from where you are, you can get these supplements from Amazon UK - or any online supplement store. Look for good reviews before buying! 🧐
Thanks jemima , good plan 💜
I will definitely pick up some GABA to start with
Rather than it praps making symptoms a bit worse for a few hours right away, do an amino acid questionnaire first (e.g. Trudy Scott's).
Once you've sorted out which amino acids you need most likely, it's best to start with about 100mg and increase weekly. Somewhere there's a best point and when you go above that it will get worse and then you know you have to go down again. If your stomach acid is not too much, it's best to take it sublingually, if it is: in capsules. I use powder and empty capsules but started just with opening capsules.
I want to stress that when I started with 750mg capsules I was lucky that it wasn't too much, and I have "sometimes" ;-) been pretty impulsive/impatient/risk-loving by adding several 100mg of GABA and glutamine at the same time, which quickly showed me my limit.
On the other hand the fx of amino acids aren't as dramatic as meds, so the risks are limited even if you're as easy-going as me.
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