I'm very lucky in my job. A family member is one of the owners and well aware of my condition before i was asked to help out there. I can go outside for a walk-a-bout at anytime and if i'm a bit slow some days it doesn't matter. I've even had my eyes shut for 5 minutes or so without complaint. Then there is the occasionally day where i am so fatigued or in pain I have no choice but to go home and I'm never penalized for it. If it wasn't for this particular job i would not be able to work at all so for that I am thankful. It gives me a reason to get motivated ,helps my mood tremendously as the people are all so wonderful and helpful there, we are all like family. And the pennies certainly help pay the bills. We would have trouble surviving financially as my hubby doesn't earn a huge amount but just too much for me to get any disability money. So while I am able to I will make damn sure I can keep this job till I drop