Time of day hits you more

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Absolutely- mid/late morning can be rough for me as well as around 3pm. I can usually get through fairly well if I wait to get my coffee until the first period, and be sure to get a nice walk or jog in on my lunch hour to boost my energy through the afternoon.
They say the best time in the day to workout, exercise in any way, is first thing in the morning. First thing in the morning, I am unable to move! It is the worst time of day for me. One day, I took off outdoors as soon as I got our of bed, one vicodin down. I thought I might die just walking to my truck!
Before dinner is the best time for me to walk, if I am able to walk.
Lately the early afternoon has been harsh. The high of the morning wears off. It has been hot here though. So the afternoons have been dreadful without air conditioning. I usually enjoy the early mornings and early evenings the best.
Somedays I feel tired as soon as I get out from the bed, but I rush as much as I can because I've to work (working online is still work), but the fatigue usually settles in after noon. It's hard to get used to this symptom, but it seems green tea does help a bit! I've had a couple of good weeks so far, pain and fatigue wise. It must be my new diet.
I also have different times of the day that fatigue hits me hard. These times are 1pm and 6pm. I feel like I cannot move and want to sleep. It used to hit me harder when I was at home, but now it also affects me at work. My job has changed so I have less down time. I figured this was the reason why I am getting tired more.
I'm very lucky in my job. A family member is one of the owners and well aware of my condition before i was asked to help out there. I can go outside for a walk-a-bout at anytime and if i'm a bit slow some days it doesn't matter. I've even had my eyes shut for 5 minutes or so without complaint. Then there is the occasionally day where i am so fatigued or in pain I have no choice but to go home and I'm never penalized for it. If it wasn't for this particular job i would not be able to work at all so for that I am thankful. It gives me a reason to get motivated ,helps my mood tremendously as the people are all so wonderful and helpful there, we are all like family. And the pennies certainly help pay the bills. We would have trouble surviving financially as my hubby doesn't earn a huge amount but just too much for me to get any disability money. So while I am able to I will make damn sure I can keep this job till I drop :)

You're soooo lucky! I'm so happy for you! I'm unable to have a physical job anymore, but working online really helps to keep me going and feel motivated, plus the cash really helps! I wish I could get a physical job one day, that would help a lot (my self-esteem would go up), but for now I'm working on getting better! You're very lucky, and I'm glad you know it :)
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