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The Guaifenesin Protocol Was A Failure


Very helpful member
Nov 17, 2021
Since other threads were no longer open for comments, I just wanted to briefly share my experience with the guaifenesin protocol touted by Dr St Amand.

I tried the protocol in early 2024, strictly adhering to all of the guidelines set forth by Dr St Amand. Took me weeks to check and remove/store all of my salicylate products and replace them (expensively) with non-salicylate items (thank goodness I kept what I removed in a large tote). And, of course, following the dietary recommendations.

To be brief (remember, I followed the protocol to the letter), I experienced no change whatsoever in my fibromyalgia. I upped the dosage as instructed when needed, but still no success. Not only did I not get any relief whatsoever, I experienced, after months on the protocol, chronic congestion in my sinuses. I ignored it, thinking it could not be related to the guaifenesin. But then, when I had my dental x-rays done, my dentist said "you have a LOT of congestion in your sinuses." He even showed me the x-rays. NO dentist had ever seen this in me before and I was not sick with a cold or anything. That's when something clicked and I put two and two together. It made sense. Since guaifenesin thins the mucus, it was draining into my sinuses and causing discomfort. Also, a potential sinus infection.

Bottom line: After a minimum of 6 months on the protocol -- again, strictly following the guidelines -- I got nothing except severe sinus congestion. I do not recommend this treatment to fibromyalgia sufferers. Apparently, it has worked for some people. If you are considering it perhaps it will help you as it has some others. I just want to share my own neutral/negative experience with you and give you some additional information so you can decide for yourself.

One thing I did discover and keep from the protocol was the low-carb diet. I did find that I did feel much better and had less bloating, gas and other abdominal discomforts on a low-carb diet. So, the experiment for me was not a total failure. I may have never discovered that a low-carb diet makes me feel better otherwise. Makes me wonder if those who say they were "cured" of FMS are actually reaping the individual benefits of a low-carb diet instead.

So, I opened back up that tote (again, thankful I had the smarts to save everything) and started using my "discarded" salicylate products again. I feel, although the risks are probably pretty small, that this is a potentially unsafe treatment for fibromyalgia. I might add -- although I myself was aware of this -- that there have been no conclusive, scientifically sound studies (or even close) that prove this treatment to be effective. Thumbs down on the "guaifenesin protocol."
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Thanks for writing about this experience, @JamieMarc . It is always helpful for people to recount what they learn from trying various things. After reading this, I will not be the least bit tempted to try this, because I already have far more than enough problems with my nose and sinus!
@sunkacola you're welcome. And amen. We do have enough problems going on without adding to them. I had meant to write about this months ago because I promised I would but never got around to it.
Hi there
Thank-you for all the information about this therapy I don't think it will be one I will be trying.
However I would like to share what I am trying and hope it will help other fibro sufferes aswell.
I have been following techniques from a young lady on you tube and tik tok and she also has a pod cast on you tube talking to a doctor who also cured himself from chronic pain.
On you tube you can find her by searching
@curingfibromyalgia this young lady has done all the home work on the science of FM speaking about neuroplacticity, somatic tracking, meditation and mindfulness.
She has gone from being bedridden to getting her life back, all her information is free as she just wants to help as many people as possible, and she also says that she is not the only person who has recovered from FM with these techniques.
Her name is Lana

I'm a young 67 year old and have nothing to lose by trying this and at the moment I'm doing well, it's not an over night fix and the techniques have to be done every day, but not when your in a flare up or really bad pain.

Lana explains this in all her videos this condition is stealing my character away slowly even though I'm trying to keep my chin up, it makes you miserable being in pain every day as you all know.

I wish you all well including myself in recovering from this horrible condition. As you know the medical world says there is no cure, but the science and neuroplacticity experts says it can be cured and there is so much information on this on the Internet it is truly mind blowing.

One more thing if you key in fibroguy on google this man runs his own therapy based on the same thing and when you hear him speak about FM and what the therapy did for him and others is fascinating to listen to, unfortunatley he does charge but he still gives you a hood insight for free. My husband was very impressed with all this Information and everything I have come across regarding these techniques.

Im so sorry for long post but very hard to explain unless you read about it, I promise you it is not hard to do and it is easy to follow the therapy.

I am now off to bed and look forward to any feedback
Wishing you all better days ahead.
I also tried it long ago for about 3 months with no results. I still take Guaifenessin regularly in winter for sinus congestion and post nasal drip, along with XLear in a Neti pot. It helps relieve for me what it caused for you....just shows how different we all are. I'll bet we all wish we could get back the money we've spent on all these differing experiments! I have a friend who just bought a portable HBOT machine to go with her infrared sauna that she's been using for 20 yrs. now. None of us want to give up hope.
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