The emotional experience when a specialist finally decides to take you on as a patient

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wow, that is pretty high..
i was told that even a 1:80 (my result) is not all that uncommon in healthy people

Very glad to hear you are making progress in getting things sorted out. :)
So a raised ana can in some instances be caused by an infection and certain medications. I would 1:80 would be within the wider acceptable range(i.e theres the set acceptable range and then the range in which Doctors place results that are still deemed acceptable even though outside the specific range if that makes sense)

It is amazing the difference it makes in having someone simply believe you rather than treat you like your crazy or being a hypochondriac
Well ive had my MRI and back to see the rheumatologist tomorrow(they had a cancellation so i jumped of course) so lets set what if anything the mri showed and see what the plan is going forward 🤞
Well ive been umming and ahhhing on what to write and how to write it. Today was a lot to digest and take in.
Rheumatologist has confirmed/officially diagnosed Fibromyalgia and Ehlers Danlos syndrome. However she strongly suspects that my biggest issue is ankylosing spondilitis. She wasnt prepared to confirm that diagnosis today however she feels strongly enough that i have been prescribed (and had funding approved) Anti tnf medication which is one of the treatments for ankylosing spondilitis, it is administered as a subcutaneous injection fortnightly and each injection is $1500 dollars(thank god its funded!!). Once blood results for tuberculosis, and the HIV's and HPV come back negative i will start the medication. They have to test these before they will allow you to start the medication as if you have any of those and start this medication you will get extremely sick. Theres a strict set of requirements to qualify for funding to be prescribed this medication.
Im feeling quite overwhelmed and just trying to work through this all in my head

Ive accepted the fibro a long time ago and am at piece with that(most of the time) i thought id prepared myself mentally for an additional diagnosis today which officially yip i got one more diagnosis but from a practical point of view i got two more and its just feeling like a lot to take in
Your welcome 😙💕
wow, yeah, that would be a lot to take in

gentle hugs to you - hope the tests come back fine and the medication works for you!
Me too, even better my rheumatologist has a back up plan for if this medication doesnt work, so if this one doesnt work we've got a next step in the wings already which is reassuring
Really really lucky im not a needle phob
In regard to your falls, has anyone mentioned BPPV? (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV))
this is an inner ear problem that can result in dizziness and falling. My mother had it for many years and after 2 or 3 visits with a vestibular therapist , the problem was resolved.
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