TENS unit for pain adverse reaction??

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Jul 9, 2016
Province of the moon
I bought a TENS unit a few days ago and have been using it daily. I went to the doctor yesterday they checked my BP and the left arm was 74/48 and the right was 98/54. I'm not sure of the bottom numbers so don't quote me. I've always had low blood pressure but not that low especially in the left arm. The skin color is healthy I'm beginning to suspect the TENS machine but I'm not sure. I'm reaching level 9 pain in my arms which is freaking me out. I almost want to just use it and say screw the arm I'm using it anyway. My neuropathy is in my arms not my legs like most people. I didn't find an account on the internet of it lower blood pressure. It says it's suppose to increase circulation. I don't know any thoughts? What do you do when you're pain is taking over?
That's very low for blood pressure but I don't see how a tens machine could impact upon blood pressure...If you bp was that low surely the doctor had something to say about it?

When my pain is 9 I can't do anything except lay out on the bed with hot water bottles and ice....has the doctor suggested any medications in the anti epileptic family for your pain?

Hoping it eases soon. Take Care
Yeah I'm in bad shape today. It's bed and heating pads and the TENS. It took forever to sleep last night, it moved to my right leg its been shaking out of control the last 2 days. I had to pin it down with a pillow and my other foot. My whole body is shaking and feeling raw. Hands and legs are freezing up...no meds till tomorrow...sucks balls. I'm going to ask my doc about some anti-epileptics next time I see her. I'm 37 shaking like I'm 100 when the pain really starts to flare. I was at the sleep clinic when they tested my BP, the nurse just commented that it was very low and that was the last I heard of it. I'll probably mention it to the doctor once I'm a bit stronger. I stood up really fast from crouching yesterday and blacked out for 20 seconds...that's a long friggin time to be completely blind. I probably should have sat down...it would suck if I collapsed and get a brain injury on top of everything else. Not happy!
Yes get the bp looked at blacking out on standing like that is sign of low bp and possibly something called POTS which some fibro people get.....hope you feel better tomorrow
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