It could be nerve pain, or it could also be part of the fibromyalgia. There are "trigger points" that can be either, but are always sore and they don't generally move around. Then there are sore spots that seem to travel around.
On the side of my right thigh, there are three very deep sore spots. Sometimes they are throbbing in pain so bad that I can hardly move my leg. Other times, the only time I notice them is if I push on them directly. I go to get a massage at least once a month, more if I can do it, but I have to tell her not to push too hard on my thighs because it makes them flare up. Those are always there and never go away.
Then there are other spots... like one that popped up on Friday. It started hurting like someone had punched me in my ribs. Could have sworn there was a bruise, but nothing. It stuck around for about 8 hrs. It went away and the next day it was completely gone.
Some doctors have said both are nerve damage and others have said it's the Fibro. They can't "see" a lot with nerves or pain from fibro, so really, it doesn't matter. You should talk to your doctor and have them check it out.
Sometimes what relieves the pain is a myfascial massager wand that I have. It's three little balls on a wand, and each ball has rounded spikes on it. I slowly massage my thighs until the pain lessens. It hurts for a while, but it helps too. Doterra's *brain fog moment*... pain relief lotion.. can't remember the name of it now LOL, but it helps sometimes. So does the aspercream lidocain lotion. Sometimes pain killers help, or muscle relaxers. Sometimes nothing does.