Tap Water and Fibro

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I haven't heard of this before now, no. How is it sold and how is it
found? Is it something that needs to be found in a health food store
like some of the specialty waters and other drinks? I have to admit
that I'm not really one to read labels on the water bottles... we buy
our favorite kind and stick to it, so maybe it's just in the regular water
aisle and I haven't seen it? :confused:

Alkaline water can be purchased in health stores. I also heard that few grocery stores carry alkaline water,too. There are also alkaline water sellers online. But the most convenient way is to invest on alkaline machine and water ionizer. This sort of "treats" regular water and make it into an alkaline water. The machine converter is expensive but if you have to have alkaline water on a regular basis, this is cheaper compared to buying bottled alkaline water.
I am a firm believer in the dangers of tap water. I know people say that bottled water is just as bad. That might be the case, I am not a tech. However, When I had CFS and Fibro, going to bottled water made a change for the better for me. I lost a lot of the aches and pains that I had. I preferred distilled water to spring mineral waters.

I've also met people with migraines and told them to not only give up the wheat/diary and start into food rotation and immunotherapy, but also to start to realize how they felt after they drank their tap water, and then change to bottled waters. I don't care what big names, or scientists say, in a case like CFS/Fibro, you just want to get on your feet and get your life going. This worked for me.

There are many articles on the internet, here is just one to get you started in case you are interested:

How Drinking Water can Reduce Fibromyalgia Symptoms! | Nutri-Living Blog

Whatever CFS/Fibro is, it seems to affect people in different ways, so no one thing or method of treatment works for all, so it can't help to pass information on, as to what worked for you.

This is interesting. I think it's also possible that the ingredients in tap water affect different people differently. Whereas it might be safe for some and not others. That being said, I can't bring myself to let my child drink it and neither do I, so that natural gut aversion might mean something. I used to drink it though when I was younger and less focused on leading a better life.
I have thought of it but will not work for me because I make sure I tryto drink my 8 or more glasses of water each day and I am at work for eight hours of my day when I drink my daily water. I drink tap water and not cold water from the friedge which slows down diogestion and help accumulate fat. I wish I could try the filtering.
I have never considered the effect of water on my fibro, I always boil my drinking water at home because I can not trust tap water. I drink bottled water only when traveling or in hotels. I will do an experiment between boiled, tap and bottled water to see if there will be different in the pain or management of the fibro. It would be nice to find one which will reduce the pains!
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