sudden muscle pain and weakness

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Active member
Dec 28, 2019
Has anyone experienced a sudden onset of severe pain and weakness in your arms then suddenly disapears?
I've edited my advice into my experiences now.... :cool: Also as always never meant clever clogs: Bits of all of us dread sometimes, and we can learn to overcome that dread at the same time, again and again.
Dreading is only bad if it takes over and paralyses us. If we use it to make us aware of dangers, then it's a motivator and thus friend.
When I dread my cold shower altho I'm used to it and often love it, then it means my body isn't quite up to it, I need to go easy on it.
So I start luke warm, and see how far I can go. When I'm raring to go, I know I can do some deep breathing and go as cold as possible (maybe 12°C in the winter) and it's OK for 30 seconds, break, another 30'', but starting with legs and adjusting if necessary...
I'm interested to know how you manage your symptoms
there is so much to try, 30+ things in each category
Writing the 'nutshell' I thought it's hard for me to sum up what I do. Now it occurred to me that I trialled everything, and it actually surprised me that there are few things that I don't regularly do, i.e. lots of the mental, physio, all diet types, all trigger management, and supps. Of about 150 types, the about 100 that help.... Physio's praps the area I've had to select most, faves being exercises, stretches, acupressure & massage gun (getting a great variety of symptoms under control). Meds is the only area I don't do at all. I do almost all mental & relaxation types, almost all diet types (but none help fibro directly), some essential oils, and 25-35 supps.
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