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Jan 28, 2013
So thankful that Christmas is over with, but this year was by far the most stressful one yet. Got double charged by a store for an order and they are not wanting to refund me for where they messed up, done an online order for items for my kids and never got it (matter of fact it is still in processing today) thankfully my local store had all the items and made it right with me. I was still receiving christmas gifts the day after christmas for my daughters. I'm just glad the mess is all over with now aside from getting my money back where I was double charged. Hope you all had a better Christmas experience this year than me!
If the store will not work with you then you might check with your credit card company and have them straighten it out. Most are very helpful in fixing problems like this.
I hope that things improve for you and your New Year is much brighter and happier.

Welcome to the forum and I hope that by reading all the information here on site it will give you lots of new coping skills to help you manage your pain issues and added stress of late Christmas gifts. And I really hope you had a nice Christmas with your children dispite the delay in some gifts and your bad experience with the store.

Hope to see you posting more around the forum. (Smile it brightens the saddest of days). :)
Sorry to hear about your stressful Christmas. It's such a poor time for many of us. It seems like you kept getting hit with issue after issue. Did it impact your fibromyalgia at all? I find that my mine flares up real bad during the stressful moments in my life.
1sweed is right. I was once charged twice for the same product, I called my credit card company and they fixed it for me :) It took a while tho, but they did it :) Isn't fair you have to pay for a mistake they made! Plus money is so hard to come by these days... What an awful store! Sorry to hear you had such a stressing christmas :( My holidays weren't the best, but neither that bad... excepting for the fact I ended up at the ER once.
Ohh poor girl i feel very sad for you and it's quite funny that you were receiving gifts after Christmas :)
But yet all well that ends well and yeah i had a great Christmas indeed...
I know what you mean about Christmas. We threw a party and put a lot of time, effort, and money into it. Hardly anyone appreciated it, though, so we decided that we're not doing it again next year. I was so glad when the holidays were over. I just don't enjoy them like I used to. I'll also be glad when this winter is over. I'm sorry that you had such a tough time, but I'm happy that you got some stuff ironed out and were able to salvage some of the holiday.
Sorry to hear you are suffering from stress! I suffer from that too, at least when I'm back home. I hope you can find a way to cope with your stress, for me what worked best was taking a B complex before going to bed and also watching ASMR videos. That helped a lot. Taking relaxing baths with aromatic salts also helped. Spending to.e outside with other people also helps to dissipate weird feelings.
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