I feel so down tonight. Literally just sitting in my living room crying my eyes out. I'm very ill atm but the doctors are taking ages between tests to figure out whats wrong. I have no strength, no energy and my mood is really low. My partner is away overnight for work, he left the kitchen in such a mess that it worsens my mood every time I have to go in there because I can't tidy it right now. He forgot to get something 'ready to eat' in that I could have for dinner since I can't cook anything right now so I'll probably have to have crisps for my dinner. His sister had to come and walk the dogs for me earlier. I'm late posting stuff I sold on ebay because I can't walk to the post office. I have no money of my own right now. I haven't showered today. I just feel so useless and unable to contact anyone I know to help me because I'm so embarrassed by how dependent I am on people right now and it sickens me. I have to drop out of college because of whatever is wrong with me had made me miss too much and there's no end in sight for being able to return. I feel so worthless and I just hate myself so much right now. I cant even do basic things on my own. I'm only 28. It's unbearable and I'm sure everyone thinks I'm exaggerating everything so I've been alienating myself because I hate myself so much as it is I can't see why anyone else would like me or want to be around me. I feel like my partner is trapped in this relationship because he'd feel too guilty to leave me but this is not what he signed up for. When we got together I was healthy and normal and now I'm just one disaster after another, I'm notbthe same person he fell in love with and there s nothing loveable about me now. I'm so fed up of holding everything inside all day every day. I'm fed up of being stuck in the house on my own all say every day. I'm fed up of being on my friends whenever they invite me to do stuff. I'm fed up of being so angry and bitter all the time. I'm just. So. Fed. Up. And most of all I'm tired. But I'm tired of sleeping. I'm tired of being permanently exhausted. I'm tired of pretending to be okay. I'm tired of hating myself. I'm tired of everything. I just don't know what to do anymore. I just want to Bury my head and hope it all goes away buy it never does. I hate being such a burden on the people in my life but I don't know how to stop it other than to not ask for help like tonight and just punish myself for being so bloody useless and incompetent because this has to be my fault. I don't know what I did to deserve my life being so awful but it must have been something bad and I keep dragging everyone down with me because I'm too weak to just take it on the chin like I used to. I'm pathetic. In a year I have gone from walking 5+ miles a day, working 30+ hours a week, having friends, having a social life, climbing munros, having a great relationship and so much potential for what my life could be because I had overcome so much already in my life to then getting ill last winter with whatever this is, getting diagnosed with fibro and CF, barely able to make it up and down the stairs, starting and dropping out of college, piling on almost 3 stone, unable to walk my dogs anymore, never seeing my friends, barely even speaking to them because I have nothing interesting to say anymore, burdening my partner, no job, no life. Nothing. I don't even know what this post is. It's just a rambling mess. I just needed to get it out of my head because this horrible vicious voice inside there is getting too much for me to bare. I'm sorry. Probably just messed this up too.