Sick of myself!

"What hobbies do you have, Buckle?
My hobby kinds of activities all got messed up due to the Pandemic and I have not really found any new ones, and I need to find some. Just curious what yours are (don't answer if this is personal)."

Not at all. I love art. Any kind of art. I paint, draw, sculpt when the arthritis allows. I love woodworking. I think I mentioned that we have a woodshop. I enjoy upcycling anything and everything. But only what I can use. I also enjoy writing. Usually have to do that on a computer now, since I have some OA in my hands and tennis hand can go numb. :confused: I love plants and growing things. Right now I have been upcycling tin cans. Then I place plants in those cans. But I am on the verge of having too many, so I will take a break from those. I sew as well. Again, only what I can use or re-use. In the cooler months, I love to bake bread. I also love to re-arrange furniture at home, which can become problematic for others. :rolleyes: I always have at least 2 projects going at the same time.
So sick of it….im sorry you’re going through a rough patch..I am also going through one!! I just have no energy like I have the flu (sometimes it’s hard to know if it is the flu or fibromyalgia) I feel like I’m dying..I always get anxious and feel like there’s something more going on and then a couple days or a week or so later I feel better…I understand!! I hope u feel better soon!
Hi @Mickey the unpredictable nature of fibromyalgia makes everything so much harder - forget no two days ever alike, sometimes it seems to change hourly! So i find it makes it difficult when you can do an activity and it has little or no impact on symptoms and so you do it again and bam, your body reacts negatively.
All i find helps is to go slowly, try ton ace myself and try to listen to my body if I think i'm pushing too hard. And try not to beat myself up if I do crash - sometimes it is my fault other times its the nature of fibro. Take care