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Active member
Oct 2, 2013
Well finally did my sleep study! I have a few other names to call it....
So I went in for 9 pm took the lady 45 mins to hook me up ( while sitting still in a torture chair) then another 15/20 mins to calibrate the computer and camera...I took a book cause I try to read before bed for down time. At 11 pm another woman comes in to be hooked up yes in another room but I could still hear hour later the tech comes back in to shut off my Ow it's midnight. The room is 1000 degrees...I have a million wires hooked up to me the sticky stuff on the tape feels like it is burning my skin and all the goop is now you want me to sleep. FUNNY. The tech is in and out of my room 5-6-7 times cause I keep messing up the wires...oh yes let's not forget the air hose up my nose and in my mouth.snorkelling comes to mind..ok so where I live night time is quiet...not in town as I learned. Train running through with horn blaring..sirens helicopter..
I know that I was awake more than I slept..
At 5 am the tech comes in to wake me..oh ya you go home now! The bed was so uncomfortable my body is in brain is non functioning ..but please get dressed and go home! Holy crap. How can you find out if I have sleep issues in such a short time frame..
Of course I'm going to have issues. I didn't sleep!
I went out to wait for my ride and have a smoke oh but guess what. You need security to let you back in the hospital..never mind I'm better off outside (in the rain) ...
Ok to say the least I'm exhausted and well pain level is very high..put through the ringer over by a steam roller..had a dump truck run me over twice.. You know a great day!
Any one else go through this joy?
Any results? I mean they have done all the pesky tests but to what purpose? Did they come up with a diagnosis or solutions? Because otherwise you just went through hell for nothing. Only thing that sounds good in this story is that unhealthy smoke.
I got a test like that done once, it was to check my brain activity, lol. They glued a lot things to my face and head... it was so hard to relax under those conditions, because the nurses kept talking to each other. Is funny they think you can actually relax and see actual result under such circumstances, lol. Sometimes I really think they're trolling us, lol.
I've done the sleep study and found out I have sleep apnea (can't remember the number of apneas per hour), so now I have the joy of using a cpap machine for the rest of my life. Oh joy!
Your story gave me a much needed chuckle! I went through a very similar situation.
I had a sleep study when I first started exhibiting signs of severe fatigue. I can't believe they were able to get accurate results.
When they woke me in the morning, the nurse told me it took me a long time to go to sleep. Well, duh!
Fortunately for me, sleep apnea is not one of the conditions I have to add to the list.
I got my results on Monday. No sleep apnea but interrupted REM sleep. ....I could have told you that.. So I wake up all night long and I don't get healing sleep... So ya that was so worth the torture. NOT. But I guess I now have proof of what I was saying..
So I asked my Dr for a sleep aid the melatonin isn't working. And something for pain.. And I told him I think I'm going into a depression from dealing with pain 24/7 with no meds.. He asked about my cymbalta I told him I went off like we has talked about.. He got mad. So no meds til I have more blood work done and a chest X-ray. Oh cause ya my Dr of 41 years all of a sudden remembered that I smoke ....he's killing me...
I will see him on Monday again and get my results from blood and X-ray then go fill out paper work for a new Dr...I'm hoping they will take me on..some wont if you have a chronic illness...
You may still have interrupted sleep from a process called upper airway resistance syndrome. About 90% of sleep labs miss it. Do you snore at night?

Trfielder, I had a sleep study several years ago and it was the same exact routine. It was awful and couldn't wait to get home to get some proper sleep. My doctor wanted me to go back there as they thought I would benefit from that machine that people use who have sleep apnea. I never went back and the thought of being hooked up to a machine at night just isn't my thing. My husband says I do snore occasionally but it isn't terrible. Hope your doctor doesn't want you to go back to the sleep clinic.
Hi share your experience what to Expect During a Sleep Study?
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