Interesting, thanks @JayCS could talk about things like this for ages but it might take up the entire thread! I’m the same as you were waking up all time (think it’s common with fibro) sometimes I wake up between 2 + 3 fully alert like a button like its morning + then other times Ive woke up and I can’t move (bit like locked in syndrome)
Why not - what could be more on topic?

What is a thread without posts...
Yup that's it: fully alert like its morning. 'cept not only between 2+3: without doubled passiflora it 'd start 90' after falling asleep (only after a cold shower), in rhythm with the sleep cycles, every 60-120'. I was doing autogenic training instead, a good workaround, but now I expect my supps to do the job, and if they don't I actually get up when my body says and work out patterns.
Not being able to move sounds worrying at first, but I just research-searched that it's sleep paralysis, common, due to your body being asleep and your mind still or already being awake, so a bit out of sync when going on to the first or next sleep cycle, and doesn't normally need to be treated (e.g. webmd), so similar feeling to locked-in, but nothing like as serious. (Or is it?)
I think I'd just practice being happy that I am lucky enough to be aware that my body is sleeping.
Reminds me I occasionally get a focal seizure when falling asleep as the brain waves get more susceptible to it then.