Shivers anyone?


Jun 16, 2024
Do any of you get shivers …..for instance, last night I went to bed having had a reasonable day. Went to sleep waking about an hour later absolutely wet with sweat and aching everywhere, then tossed and turned all night feeling ill and kept having cold shivers . I have these nights often and usually feel nauseous also by morning. So yet again I know I am in for a a dreadful day………..
Do any of you get shivers …..for instance, last night I went to bed having had a reasonable day. Went to sleep waking about an hour later absolutely wet with sweat and aching everywhere, then tossed and turned all night feeling ill and kept having cold shivers . I have these nights often and usually feel nauseous also by morning. So yet again I know I am in for a a dreadful day………..
It sounds like some kind of thermoregulation problem possibly related to hormones. Is it possibly related to menopause or are you too young/have already gone through it?
Do any of you get shivers …..for instance, last night I went to bed having had a reasonable day. Went to sleep waking about an hour later absolutely wet with sweat and aching everywhere, then tossed and turned all night feeling ill and kept having cold shivers . I have these nights often and usually feel nauseous also by morning. So yet again I know I am in for a a dreadful day………..
Yes.i have them regular.they’re horrible.i’ll go to bed wake up at 2am shaking uncontrollably and in so much pain I can hardly bare to get to the bathroom.have to lay in a red hot bath for a good hour in agony and really drains me.i can go for months before another attack.its usually if I’ve overdone things and to be honest not that much
It sounds like some kind of thermoregulation problem possibly related to hormones. Is it possibly related to menopause or are you too young/have already gone through it?
It’s part of fybromyalgia.our bodies cannot adjust to hot and cold temperatures.i can be freezing in 70 degree heat.its crazy.i’ll go to bed with thermals on in summer.i’ll have a jumper on when everybody is in t shirts.its not nice at all and I’ve lived with it for 20 years plus
It’s part of fybromyalgia.our bodies cannot adjust to hot and cold temperatures.i can be freezing in 70 degree heat.its crazy.i’ll go to bed with thermals on in summer.i’ll have a jumper on when everybody is in t shirts.its not nice at all and I’ve lived with it for 20 years plus
Wow. That's a good point, though. It probably explains why the core of my body can be warm, and my arms cold when in bed at night if they are outside the sheets. I also can't handle air conditioning, so I'm walking around the grocery store with a hoodie on when the temperature outside is in the high 20's or 30's. Then I come outside at it's like a shock to my system.
Wow. That's a good point, though. It probably explains why the core of my body can be warm, and my arms cold when in bed at night if they are outside the sheets. I also can't handle air conditioning, so I'm walking around the grocery store with a hoodie on when the temperature outside is in the high 20's or 30's. Then I come outside at it's like a shock to my system.
It’s a very strange feeling.its hot at the moment and I feel like I’m at boiling point.i’ll go to bed and wake up in the night freezing.i’ve had numerous tremors attacks that are genuinely scary.i’m shaking to the point of not be able to breathe or move and i am so cold that i have to somehow get to the bath which is a major task in itself.i could be in the bath an hour plus constantly topping the hot water in the bath to boiling point.i’ve always had this with fybromyalgia and it totally wipes me for the day.i ache,i feel sick,I’m in pain,head banging.not hungry one bit.its awful believe me.take care xx
It’s a very strange feeling.its hot at the moment and I feel like I’m at boiling point.i’ll go to bed and wake up in the night freezing.i’ve had numerous tremors attacks that are genuinely scary.i’m shaking to the point of not be able to breathe or move and i am so cold that i have to somehow get to the bath which is a major task in itself.i could be in the bath an hour plus constantly topping the hot water in the bath to boiling point.i’ve always had this with fybromyalgia and it totally wipes me for the day.i ache,i feel sick,I’m in pain,head banging.not hungry one bit.its awful believe me.take care xx
Wow! How horrible! Those tremors with the cold - yes, I can see how it would be terrifying; I would be worried.
I started getting shivers recently. Hot and sweaty one minute then under the covers with socks on the next! I was diagnosed in 2016 but I think I had it long before then, they just didn't know how to handle it. I used to live in a very hot climate and one thing was good about it my arthritis was better but I had terrible bouts of pain all over and fatigue, ergo fibro.
It’s my bones that get cold,they feel like ice sometimes especially my legs. I can’t lie down in the bath as I can only sit so low. I have heat bags that go in the microwave and I use these. I don’t know why but I take a sachet of salts that people use if they get the runs and that helps. Iv no idea where I got the thought that that would help.
I have issues with shivers like that as well. It can be hotter than hades and I will get cold flashes that will make me want to pull a thick, heavy blanket over myself. It seems to be a common thing for people with this condition. My mother goes through it as well.
I started getting shivers recently. Hot and sweaty one minute then under the covers with socks on the next! I was diagnosed in 2016 but I think I had it long before then, they just didn't know how to handle it. I used to live in a very hot climate and one thing was good about it my arthritis was better but I had terrible bouts of pain all over and fatigue, ergo fibro.
It’s very hard to minute I could have my shorts on and within an hour I’ll be cold and put me jeans and jumper on and it’s summer.i go to bed in my thermals all year round because it scares me to wake up with shivers and mine are really scary,violent,aching,nauseous,struggle to get to the bath.i could be kneeling on the floor cos I can’t stand a red hot bath for an hour,maybe two.feel wretched after.its awful and i hope you don’t suffer to my degree xx