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So sorry to hear that, Sassy :( I can imagine, and yeah, a nurse with a shaky hand would make me feel really nervious. I wanted to be a nurse when I was younger, but that bit of drawing people's blood and start IVs wasn't my favorite. I always thought you needed to be really careful with that. Plus I really didn't have the courage (blood and needles made me feel extremely uncomfortable).
I get the shakes and tremors as well. I have worried that I have MS. Kinda gland to see it is common
I know the feeling, I was worried it could be MS as well, that's one of the reasons I posted this, Dawn :) I just wanted to see how common this symptom is among fibro patients. I was kinda scared when I checked MS symptoms the other day, but it seems MS and fibro have several symptoms in common.
I also feel shaky, my hands shake and my jaw shakes enough that when I have my mouth open just enough my teeth with just chatter uncontrollably. I had a movement disorder test ran at the Mayo clinic and they said it wasn't anything neurological but wouldn't say what it was exactly. The rest of my body also shakes or at least it feels like it does. My wife says she can notice it at night but it isn't very visible. It only started when I started feeling bad this summer and is a strange sensation. I include this with my fibro symptoms as they all started the same time. For the first few months it was a big discretion, but now I must been getting use to it. I wish it would just go away though. I'm tired of it.
So sorry to hear that! Since your problem isn't neurological, I guess parkinson's and MS are ruled out? Did you start taking a new medication this summer? I'm asking because when I was a teen my doctor gave me a medication for my anxiety that made my hands shake uncontrollably... it could happen anytime! It started slowly, and then when I less expected it my hands would start shaking uncontrolably.

I've heard hand tremors can be a symptom of fibro, but it seems you are shaky all over :( I'm glad you have seen a professional who addressed this tho. I hope you get better soon, hand/doby tremors are awful. I really hope you can find something to ease that symptom. By the way... are your eyes better now?
No new medications, although some of the medications I tried over seem to make it a lot worse. My eyes are not any better but with my new computer glasses and frequent breaks I have returned to work and I have been managing it.
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