Serious stress

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I did not think I was capable of moving either but I did it and I did it three time this year! If I can do it you can to. I did have help both by husbsnd and son and we hired help to load and unliad.
My advice to you if you do think you might have to move is to start now donating/giving away things you either don't use it don't like. Believe me this is harder to do then it sounds, but the less you carry with you the easier it is. Start invisioning how you want your new place to feel and look until you actually get a little excited about it!
The south east is wonderful for gardening and still so many rural towns. Tennessee is beautiful with not diners and mild winters usually. Although if go Far East up into the mountains you'll be miserable with the cold. Kentucky and Alabama come to mind salopez.
Remember when you close one for God will open another.
thanks...........I know I am capable of moving, even though I will have to do it all without help.
As for getting rid of stuff, no worries, I know all about that and can do it easily. That's my profession.
It's not possible for me to get excited about moving, not yet. I don't even know for sure if I am going to do it.....still trying to figure out if I should.

Generally, the farther east you go the more people there are, so I sort of doubt that I will want to go to the east, although there may be some climates there that are nice. Also, not much public land, less the farther east you go.
I truly wish you best of luck. I also got kick out of my home not to long ago although it was rented but since they want it back or else I have to double the rent which I can't so now I'm homeless . I already went to court and fought a good fight yet I lost. So I understand your stress very well . I moved many places and many countries. There was the time when I did own a house so feeling the lost of each piece that I put worked in to , so yes can it was quite heart breaking. However after on looking back I'm more freer than before. I might not have much strength to do much right now but after having been agoraphobia for the pass few years. Being out and about isn't so bad since I had no choice so my body actually doing much better than when I was stuck at home.
thanks for the encouragement, everyone.
It is true that sometimes when you lose your life you end up in another one just as good. This has happened to me a few times in my life, so know. It's just that it gets harder I think as you get older, and being totally alone in the world doesn't help.

I have moved a lot in my life, lived in 4 countries and nine states of the US. But I thought I had found home here. Maybe not. But it's hard to leave after all the work I put into this place knowing I cannot do all that work again, and leaving it all behind knowing it will all probably end up being for nothing, all the trees and plants I nurtured so carefully for years would probably just die. That is the heartbreaking part, because those trees are alive.
I just need to figure out if I am going to leave or not and where to go if I do. I think if I actually found a place that I thought I would like to live, then the leaving part would not be as bad.
Yeah I know what you are saying , every corner of the house that I own I knew the layout cause me and my mother did it for the ground up from just a land we bought. Every bricks, woods, beams, concret foundation were added one by one I still have the memories of it in all details like it was yesterday. All the trees , Me and her planted was fruits, vegetable, and beautiful flower vine and shrubs. Given it all up was the hardest thing in my life but life just moving on. When I was divorced I had the 2 stories apartment + basement + back yard in Brooklyn , NY. In fantastic location I put all my work in to making it beautiful from how ugly it was, for 10 years from of my life had vanished. With divorced I can no longer effort it. That place was mine but no longer. I have to look ahead . I was alone and at that point I was stress, depress, and borderline suicidal at some point. At that time I just had to brace my own self and plan the best corse of action. I separated my mind from my self so I can see every possible angles. I even start to treated my self as a third person, sounds weird but at that time it was necessary for my survival. One is me, second is my body, and the rest is my uncontrollable depression the emotional wracked . How are "we" planing to get through this together? Having a meeting with my 3 self once a while till these days was how I get through all the problem. It's funny to think now that I was alone but with my conditions I wasn't actually alone.
Another thing to consider is the quality of health care. Research Hospitals and doctors and see where the good ones are.

And while I would love to have you as a neighbor, Florida stinks as far as health care. Unless you want to pay 2K for concierge medicine, the docs here are mediocre at best.
Wineisfine, thanks. :-)
I actually wouldn't consider Florida, myself. Just not my kind of place.

Yes. health care is a consideration. But the thing is, you can pick a place that has good health care and the very next year it can all get changed because of who gets elected somewhere. So you never know.

No place is safe to live unless you are rich, and then it doesn't even matter where you are, you will have an easy life. At least, insofar as what money will buy, and it will buy a LOT.
I am so depressed these days that I can't even think about where to move to. It is all I can do just to get out of bed and feed the dogs.
This is absolutely devastating. I can't imagine the suffering this is causing you. I have no advice. My feeling about politics is that there are a small group of people trying to destroy the planet...ugh. Hang in.
Hi Sunkacola,

I hope whatever u do,it works out for you.You have a long life to live and If you have to move,know that You are a strong person! (all Fibro woman are lol.
And you can plant a garden and enjoy nature wherever u go. I know It's especially hard for you being alone but u can do it!
I know what u mean...I love all the plants and gardens I started too. I know it might sound crazy to some people that we will miss all this,but it's true.
But I hope when I move another family will take care of our home just as good as we did.Or I won't sell it to them lol (only kidding)

Thanks again for the support.
As for garden, while it is definitely true that you can enjoy nature no matter where you live on this incredibly beautiful planet, you can't grow a garden everywhere! I have lived in places where it's impossible.

For instance there has to be a growing season long enough, and in some places, like the tundra, there isn't.

Not totally impossible here, but if you wanted to have a garden here you would have to buy or make the soil first. Because the ground here is like concrete and doesn't support anything but native plants. And then you'd have to build a shade structure of some kind. And then spend so much money watering the plants that in the end it would cost you more than if you just bought organic vegetables. Water here is expensive.

I don't know if I will leave, although I have come to realize that I can leave this place behind me and it wouldn't devastate me. It would be physically very hard, but you are right, Sagey, I am strong and I could do it.

The main challenges are: finding somewhere I actually would want to live, and then finding someone to buy my place so that I could buy another one. Pretty big challenges.

I, too, would hope the next person would take care of all that I have nurtured here. When I bought the place it was barren. Now it is filled with growing trees and shrubs. But the next person might kill it all and turn it into a horse paddock, who knows.
Nothing lasts.
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