Seasonal Fibromyalgia?

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Distinguished member
Feb 20, 2014
Does anyone here have symptoms come an go seasonally? I don't have Fibromyalgia, but I do have Chronic fatigue and wondered if your symptoms fluctuate seasonally. It's known that vitamin D is required for conversion of Tyrosine to L-Dopa, and seeing as there is a relationship between Fibromyalgia and dopamine there may be a connection for some.
I get symptoms all year round, however, I'm far worse off in the winter months, pain wise. I don't handle temperature well, at all. I get cold, right to the bone, from drinking a cold drink (even the dead heat of summer). If I drink something hot, I get all sweaty (even if I'm cold) and that makes me cranky. However, if I can keep myself warm (not hot) I feel better, overall.

Pressure changes really bother me. Where I grew up, it didn't matter what season it was, the pressure (weather) was always changing. There was a saying, "the place where you can slip on the ice, fall into a puddle and get up to dust yourself off", as the weather changed frequently and fast. In the winter it could be -20C one day, then +10C the next. It killed me. That city was also known for its high migraine rates. Since moving to a more temperate climate, I feel so much better.

I don't know it I'd call it sensitivity though.
I also can't handle the temperature well. I assumed this was thyroid related, but apparently not. I still take occasional kelp though just to keep the iodine levels up. I think that by supplementing with vitamin D you may be able to reduce your symptoms to a certain degree. Kelp may be useful to try too.
Hi there and welcome to the forum. While I don't like really cold weather due to breathing problems, I find that the hot humid days are my worse time of year. Fatigue is my biggest enemy as I get tired doing nothing and have spells of veritgo and my legs get heavy and weak when the very hot summer days roll around. This is why i suffered so when living in Florida. In the winter here in Pa, I take my pain pills early in the morning and I usually am good for a few hours until early afternoon. But fibro has different symptoms throughout the year so pain and fatigue are the hardest for me to cope with. :)
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