
My doctor has suggested savella along with my lyrica but it is one Iam still researching if you do try it let me know how it is doing for you, I have often had the feelings you are having because you get tired of being in pain you get to thinking what kind of quality of life am I going to be left with if I spend it in pain all the time. Its hard but you just have to keep searching for what is going to work for you, I believe every life is a precious gift and yours is just as precious as anyone elses. I hope you realize what a beautiful person you are and that you mean alot , I pray you find your answers and find relief and can get back to the things you love to do, Iam not as well versed in the different type of supplements, and other non pharmaceuticals you can use, but I do care and just know that we are all in this together. I am so glad that I found this support group they are very helpful and they also care. Sending prayers and love your way.
I had horrible side effects from Savella. I am typing this as a warning to anyone trying it for the first time. Watch out for changes in when you sleep. I had horrible nightmare, bad enough that I would wake up from one only to fall asleep and have another one. Nightmares are not common for me. I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else on it but if it does, check to see if it started around when you started taking Savella.
No, nothing helped. I had to stop it. I don't know what I would do without Lyrica because I can take that and it helps take most but not all the pain so I can function. Still for some reason the tenderness is hard, and more long lasting than the times of pain.
I am so sorry to hear you are bedridden. I hope you can see your beautiful garden from your bed and that you get help from Savella. I’m also 65 love gardening and art and finally I am asking for medication. Going to start Savella as soon as insurance approves it. I will let you know how it works for me.