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Jan 18, 2014
Hi all. I have a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia/CPS and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which is a joint and connective tissue disorder which causes great pain in the joints.

I have a 6 year old son and am a newly-wed. My husband is a disabled veteran who also lives in chronic pain, so I have a support system. However, I want to go from the medications I take daily and substitute with vitamins, minerals, diet, and holistic therapy.

I currently take multi-vitamins, B, A, D12, C, Calcium, Turmeric, Potassium, Magnesium and Fish Oil. My husband uses medical marijuana, but the last time I partook, I ended up having a bad reaction and had a massive panic attack and we got in a huge fight.

I am trying to stop taking Aleve 375mg 2X, Cymbalta 60mg 1X, Gabapentin 600mg 3-4X and Baclofen 20mg 3-4X. Also Verapamil for migraine treatment. I sleep an ungodly amount and mostly during the day because I have anxiety at night, partially due to my C-PAP machine.

I would like to get well enough to have another baby, as my husband and I are both 35, so I fear time is running out.

Any assistance would be helpful.
Hi there! First, I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through and hope that I'm able to help in some way. I was recommended the following things from a lady who had Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. She was on meds as well for years but decided to go the natural route. She recommended the following:
-B Complex
-Turmeric 1,000mg 1 daily
-Triple Magnesium Complex 500mg 1 daily
-omega 3 1,360mg 2 daily
-Boswellia Serrata 1,200mg 2-3 a day
-ginger root 550mg 1-2 twice daily (reduces inflammation)
-white willow bark 400mg 1-2 twice daily (pain reliever)
-Vitamin D3 5,000 IU daily
-Glucosamine Chondroitin triple strength 2 daily (for joints)
Allow at least 30 days before you will notice a change.

Please keep in mind what her conditions are. I would recommend going off your meds slowly and starting the new supplements slowly so that you can observe and monitor which ones work for you. Do your research on everything I mentioned and mention it to your doctor.
Some things that help me aside from some supplements and vitamins are meditation, prayer & light exercise. I stay away from caffeine, alcohol, sugary foods & junk food in general. My friend also suggested the Paleo diet but I haven't gotten that far yet. It helps regulate your blood sugar level. Some people report more mental alertness & overall well-being. Nomnompaleo (do a web search) is a good website that has recipes.

Good luck and hope you're able to find what's best for you! Hope this helps!
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Hi, I have taken only supps for Fibro since diagnosed in 1999, I also deal with lifelong OA and a mess from hip replacement in 2010.

So for me 2 ibuprofen two times per day is going to be the rest of my life I'm afraid....that is in a 24 hr period.

For in between pain I take 2 Pain RX herbal supps, two times per day, so that too in a 24 hr period. This herbal has white willow bark in it.

I would not live without DGL for stomach lining protection.

I've been taking higher doses of MSM powder in 8 oz clean water, 3 times per day usually. That is 1 tsp about 3 times per day or about 15 grams. A person on an RA group told us about higher dosing of MSM and it does CALM pain. I would NEVER stop the MSM and have been doing this higher dosing for good grief maybe 8 yrs give or take.

Hope you are coming along and can get off the meds which I'm sure are hard to get off but it can be done, right?

I take or have taken all the supps listed above and when I feel a little more energetic, I may post what I take daily.

And it's true getting into a meditation HABIT can be so beneficial. The whole family can do it together, Your son could love the practice and it's never to early to teach this great tool. J
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