question about Zoloft

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New member
Sep 10, 2014
My neurologist put me on cymbalta after a month I started having problems passing urine, they told me to quit taking it, at my follow up I told the doc that I didn't know it was same class as effexor, or I wouldn't have taken it, as I had problems with effexor. Trying to be proactive, I mentioned that I had seen where zoloft had been used. He snapped at me and said ( I don't prescribe zoloft see your GP) I was stunned but even more so after I discovered I wouldn't see my neuro doc until Nov. Can anyone tell me why he would say that, and also if anyone has had success with zoloft?
Just came off Zoloft. was on it for 15 years..was not given it for fibro but for anxiety

Can tell you that it stopped working on the anxiety and I can not say it ever gave me pain relief. Also I ballooned up 50+ lbs while on it

I do not think SSRI's are any good for this
I have taken Zoloft for about 10 years at a low dose. My doctor prescribed it because I had anxiety that was causing severe insomnia and it has worked well to prevent the insomnia... Until I got fibromyalgia this year. Now I take a second low dose antidepressant to help me sleep (trazodone). Since I was on Zoloft before I had fibromyalgia, it is hard to say how much it helps. If I miss a dose of either medication I definitely feel higher levels of pain, so they are doing something for me.

And here is my unsolicited opinion: I am very annoyed by that neurologist's lack of professionalism. He shoul not have snapped at you for asking a question. If he thinks Zoloft is a bad medication or if he thinks it is the wrong medication for you, it is his job to let you know that and why . If he's just having a bad day he should keep it to himself.

Anyways I hope you can find a friendlier doctor to discuss this with soon.
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