Psilocybin Microdosing Research?


Senior member
Nov 17, 2021
Anyone hear of any new research being done in the US for psilocybin microdosing for fibromyalgia? I have been referred by people in other groups to various sites, typically somewhere on Instagram and a "company" called Psilomedix, with whom I had a chat. Very shady, likely illegal (don't think psilocybin is legal here), and only accept payment via Zelle or Venmo. Anyway, back to my question. I was wondering if anyone had any new info on psilocybin for FMS/CPS?
I have not heard of it for fibromyalgia, although there's research being done both legally and illegally on the effects it can have on medication-resistant depression.

I would recommend away from any company that is advertising such a thing online. For one thing, it is illegal in the USA, pretty much everywhere. I think it was recently legalized in Oregon and Colorado but that's all. And of course if you send money to a company online you don't have any idea what you will actually be getting, which means you could get scammed at best and get something actually dangerous at worst.

If one lived in one of those states, or travelled to them, then it would be safe to go to a legal dispensary and get some there, and then you could also get advice on the use of it, and that might be something to consider.

One thing, though. If a person were to try something like that, be aware it is a hallucinogenic drug. As such, it can affect people in surprising ways. Never, ever, take such a drug without having for the entire time present a person who is fully experienced in being with someone who is taking a hallucinogenic drug, and who can stay completely calm and collected and know what to do if the person on the drug has any kind of experience whether good, bad, or dangerous. And start out with a tiny dosage. Even if you've taken such drugs recreationally in the past, you don't know how it might affect you, so err on the very cautious side.

I have taken psilocybin recreationally, many years ago, when I used to take drugs for fun. I always experienced it as mild and gentle; it was fun. But I have no idea how it would affect me now, or how much stronger the strains might be now (cannabis strains are hundreds of times stronger now than they were when I was a teenager!!), and although I have had extensive experience with various drugs I would approach it with the utmost caution.

Personally, while I am willing to try many things to try to get relief from fibro pain and other symptoms, I doubt I would try psilocybin for that. I don't see how a hallucinogenic trip would help with that, although I could be wrong, and would be very interested to hear if so. I know it can help some people with serious depression, because the right kind of trip can sort of "reset" a person's mind, or give an experience that would facilitate an attitudinal change. I know of people who report good effects with that. I have considered trying that myself, because I have severe depression, but I would need to have a trusted person to be with me and a trusted source for the drug, neither of which I currently have.
@sunkacola Thank you for your response and valuable feedback.

I am extremely sensitive to street drugs so to speak, and would be very hesitant to try something like this. If I ever should try it in the future, if it becomes legal and I consult with my doctor about it, your advice to have somebody I trust in my presence is invaluable. That is something I would not have thought of and, in my case, being so sensitive, I believe that it would be a most necessary thing for me to do.

I mentioned I had a chat with one of the companies who only accepted two forms of payment, and we're not very forthcoming about my questions. The whole thing came off as a sales pitch to me. I just ended it all with thank you for your time I will talk with my doctor and think about it. So what I am going to do is ask my pain management doctor if she has ever heard of psilocybin being used in this way.

As I mentioned not so long ago, I had stopped using cannabis because it was too difficult for me to get the dose right without overdoing it. It was you I believe who said to use a tincture instead. I am still planning to try that, but it will have to wait until after all of my hurricane damage repairs are complete, so probably sometime next year.

I was just curious about the psilocybin. I don't recall it ever being discussed in the forums here since I was a member but my search did show a few mentions of it and some other posts. Like you said, those posts talked about it being used as treatment for depression or being approved by the FDA for study.

Anyway, thank you for answering and allowing me to Cross this curiosity off my list of things to do, at least for now. I know that should there be any studies for the use of psilocybin in fibromyalgia or chronic pain someone in our forums will surely take note of it and bring it up.
Little found on UK sites @JamieMarc . Seems to be a class A drug, so not legalised here, tried a few fibro forums/sites and seems mostly to be used in the micro dose for depression and anxiety ( good UK site Health Unkocked is a quite extensive collection of various respected health sites and charities offering support and knowledge, handy site for anyone with multiple conditions. But cannot find any fibro group looking into its use ).

That dodgy site you were referred to? Trust you instincts and dont touch it with the a proverbial barge pole..
@SBee Trust me, I won't! LOL
Earlier this week I joined the National Fibromyalgia Association, which is a legitimate and well respected organization. Not sure if I have the name exactly right but I signed up for their newsletter.

At the same time I also joined several Facebook groups dedicated to fibromyalgia, and there is where this idea of using psilocybin for fibromyalgia came from. The group has thousands of members, yet I have only been a member for about a week and it seems that every comment I post in response to someone else's comment, there is always a post within that thread from someone who brings up psilocybin and say how it cured them and changed their life and blah blah blah.

Immediately, I was wary because we all know there is no miracle cure for what we have. But I thought, okay, I'm open to researching this more and see if there is anything to it. But after doing my own research and speaking to that one so-called company, and then listening to your feedback and @sunkacola the whole idea is now off of my radar. Indeed, even if it is effective for depression that would not apply to me although I do suffer from anxiety but that is well managed already.

These people were saying how it cured them from all their pains that cured them from fibromyalgia. A bunch of baloney is what I think. I think these are either people who do not have fibromyalgia and enjoyed whatever high they may have gotten from the psilocybin or their part of the whole scam itself and use these groups to bring in business.

Like I said in response to @sunkacola I'm certain that if there is ever any new information about psilocybin and fibromyalgia someone in our forum here will bring it to our attention. Thus, I have decided to quit these Facebook groups or at least ignore those who are pushing miracle cures, and illegal ones at that. I have shared my own knowledge if fibromyalgia and some things that have worked for me, and that is rewarding to be able to help someone else. So I may stay in the groups for that reason. I'm just going to have to filter out the nonsense.

Hope to communicate with you soon, @SBee
Thanks for your reply. Sending hugs! 🤗
These people were saying how it cured them from all their pains that cured them from fibromyalgia. A bunch of baloney is what I think. I think these are either people who do not have fibromyalgia and enjoyed whatever high they may have gotten from the psilocybin or their part of the whole scam itself and use these groups to bring in business.
I am sure you are right. There is no possible way that psilocybin mushrooms would cure fibromyalgia.
Sounds to me as if the whole thing is a shill for selling their product. Highly unethical, to say the very least.
don't think psilocybin is legal here)
its a schedule one drug in the US - it has no medical use according to the fda - everyone else especially in Thailand calls it the magic mushroom basically it is illegal in most countries - very dangerous
These people were saying how it cured them from all their pains that cured them from fibromyalgia
only while you are high