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Problem or being over dramatic?


New member
Sep 22, 2024
Just about everything hurts, knee, hip, elbow, wrist, shoulder, fingers, toes

Elbow feels like funny bone is constantly being pushed on

Shoulders feels loose, like my arms are too heavy for them

Occasionally knee pain will radiate up or down leg bone, elbows will do the same

Pain gets worse right at bedtime

Numbness and tingling in legs when sitting down, only a few positions don’t cause the tingling and those sometimes hurt my knees too much, it started a few days before the pain set in

Pain in my upper left arm, felt like when you get a flu shot, still hurts now but it’s gotten better

This has happened before, been happening for years, but this is the first time I’ve been hit by all of them at the same time. The tingling is new as well.

I feel like shit, this isn’t the first time I’ve wondered if I had some sort of chronic illness, but at that time I wasn’t in the best shape so I dismissed it. But I walk 3-6 miles a day, 9 miles if I walk down to town that day, I don’t feel like being out of shape is the reason anymore.

I honestly just want confirmation that this isn’t normal, I can’t afford to do all the testing narrow down what (if anything) is wrong.
welcome to the forums @CoreyJae 🤗

Have you spoken with your doctor about this, and have you discussed fibromyalgia?

We are just a group of people supporting and sharing with the common ground of fibro.

None of us can, nor would even try, to diagnose. You are welcome to browse the forums, and communicate, but I would suggest you speak with your doctor regarding diagnosis.
@CoreyJae , as @BlueBells says, we cannot tell you what to do or what is going on with you.
The best thing is for you to go see a doctor about this. Describe everything that is going on and ask the doctor for advice and help.

I do not, however, recommend that you discuss fibromyalgia with the doctor
. The reason for this is that many doctors will think that a person is either malingering or trying to diagnose themselves if they bring that up when they first seek treatment. It is far better for the doctor to test you for the various things that might be causing your symptoms rather than jumping to any conclusions or suggesting to the doctor what it might be. there are a lot of different things that could be causing the symptoms you describe.

Now, of course, if yo already have a good strong relationship with a doctor, mentioning fibro as a possibility won't hurt. Just be careful with it. Some doctors don't even believe it exists and will not react in a helpful way if you bring it up to them. Just a word to the wise.

Make an appointment with a GP, and take along a comprehensive list of all of your symptoms and see what they say.
If you don't feel heard, go to a different doctor.
That's all you can do just at first, until you get tested.

My advice to you is do not go online looking up things and thinking you have a chronic illness. That won't help, and will only add to your stress, which will make you feel worse.
We are here to support you through this process of getting tested, though, so feel free to keep posting here.
Good evening! You are describing my daily life, somedays are better than others of course, but all of the pain you describe is like your describing how I feel. Luckily, with my insurance, I don’t need a referral to see a specialist, so I made an appointment to see a Rheumatologist several years ago. I finally had enough with the pain, and could not, or would not continue to live this way. I was very fortunate to find an incredible Rheumatologist that has been extremely helpful in diagnosing me and helping me.
My advice to you, as the others said, speak to your doctor, or see a Rheumatologist in order to discuss how you feel and what your ailments may be. When I first saw my Rheumatologist, I never mentioned fibromyalgia to him. I wrote down everything that was hurting me from head to toe so we could discuss what it would take to narrow down things. Ultimately I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, sero-negative RA, and migraines. Even after several years now, we continue to alter and change my medication. Something’s work, something’s don’t. Everybody is different.
It’s nice to hear I’m not alone in how I feel, but my heart also goes out to you, since I know how you feel.
I hope you seek help from the medical professionals and get the answers you need and deserve! Never let a doctor make you feel like what you are feeling is not valid and that you don’t deserve to be treated with respect and compassion!
Lots of Rheumatologist references in these appalling covid vaccine injury impact statements below. Yes it is relevant.. the symptoms of vax damage and FM-CFS are too similar. Too close to ignore. There are lots of detox protocols in these statements. You just have to put the time in to read and find your answers and stop listening to the lying scoundrel "drs" who have voided their Hippocratic Oath of DO NO HARM.

"The truth will set you free but first it will piss you off" Gloria Steinem.
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Lots of Rheumatologist references in these appalling covid vaccine injury impact statements below. Yes it is relevant.. the symptoms of vax damage and FM-CFS are too similar. Too close to ignore. There are lots of detox protocols in these statements. You just have to put the time in to read and find your answers and stop listening to the lying scoundrel "drs" who have voided their Hippocratic Oath of DO NO HARM.

"The truth will set you free but first it will piss you off" Gloria Steinem.
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Lots of Rheumatologist references in these appalling covid vaccine injury impact statements below. Yes it is relevant.. the symptoms of vax damage and FM-CFS are too similar. Too close to ignore. There are lots of detox protocols in these statements. You just have to put the time in to read and find your answers and stop listening to the lying scoundrel "drs" who have voided their Hippocratic Oath of DO NO HARM.

"The truth will set you free but first it will piss you off" Gloria Steinem.

To put it simply. What are you on about? Most of the people on here had fibromyalgia before covid was even heard of (although all influenzas are corona viruses anyway).

It seems to me your post is off on a tangent.
I am a newbie here though I've had fibro for 38 years and ran a Fibro and CFS support group for 14 years for the Arthritis Foundation. I see many posts here with frustrations about how all their tests are normal, so how do we prove we have this, and how do we get backwards doctors to believe there is something wrong with us?

There actually are a few tests that are almost always abnormal in fibro patients, but most are not paid for by insurance. Here are a few:

One test that is usually paid for is an overnight sleep test at a sleep clinic, though to get that prescribed, you would first see a pulmonologist who specializes in sleep medicine. Almost everyone with fibro has a sleep disorder called The Alpha-Delta sleep anomaly. Many of us also have hypopnea as well.

Another test that is often abnormal is Thermography, a scan of places you hurt the worst done by a radiologist, to be done on one of your bad days. Most fibro people go to a mammogram clinic to get this done, but you may have to see and M.D. who practices as an N.D., a functional medicine doctor or an orthomolecular doctor. I was lucky to find a mammogram doctor whose daughter was disabled with fibro, so he knew all about it.

Most fibro people have very low sedimentation rates (the lab test called ESR), ie. below 10, and it's often below 5, but only alternative medicine recognizes this as being abnormal. This blood test is paid for by insurance.

Some of us have Lyme disease, which can have very much the same symptoms as fibro. Unless you have been sick for less than 6 weeks, you would need to use the Igenex or Fry labs and pay for it yourself, since the standard testing is only good early on, and it's not very good even then.

There is a cortisol test called the Adrenal Salivary Index (ASI) which maps fluctuations in cortisol over 24 hours. That is usually abnormal in anyone who has had fibro for quite awhile, but it is only ordered by alternative doctors, and insurance does not pay for it. It's not too expensive though.

Many of us are hypothyroid, but only by the newer lab norms. The normal ranges were changed after 2003, but most doctors still use the lab norms from before 2003, so once again, an M.D. who practices as an N.D. is your best bet for that diagnosis. You need a complete thyroid panel too, not just a TSH level.

I hope at least one of these might help somebody.
Thank you, @Frizzybee . This is interesting information. I have never heard of some of these things, and suspect that others here have not either.

Of course, none of these things would definitively diagnose a person with fibromyalgia at this point, but perhaps in time some of these things, along with the symptoms, can be incorporated into a definitive test. People get diagnosed with fibro anyway, of course, but without a definitive test there's always the chance that a new doctor or specialist will dismiss a patient, refuse to believe them, refuse even to believe fibro exists....and we've had many such stories told on this forum.

Information is power. Maybe in time, with enough information, people with fibro will find themselves better treated by the medical profession.

To put it simply. What are you on about? Most of the people on here had fibromyalgia before covid was even heard of (although all influenzas are corona viruses anyway).

It seems to me your post is off on a tangent.
The side effects list on the flu shot insert lists MYALGIA as a side effect. Has done for decades. Wake up.
This seems quite out of line!
Its designed to snap you all out of the spell big pharma has created. Wake up sheep (slaves)..

Revelation 18:23 “… and all nations were deceived by your sorcery"
Sharkman, your post has been edited to remove the link you put into it.
Please note: Outside links are not permitted on this forum.
Please read the forum rules so that you will be familiar with them.
Any posts with outside links will be either edited to remove the links, or deleted altogether.
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Its a shame you have a blanket policy on this because there is important Myalgia recovery protocols within that website. NO advertising on it. They are impact statements compiled by a law firm for litigation. So you are doing a disservice to the injured here. Well done.

Maybe the readers here, if they could be bothered, might look up jabinjuriesglobal and see what comes up now that YOU have made it harder for them to recover. What a PC joke this "forum" is.

Thank you.
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