

Distinguished member
Sep 15, 2023

I'm greatful for my 3 Muppets. My dogs absolutely help make my day enjoyable, they also help keep me going, even on days I don't want to get out of bed. Tuesday was one of those days I wasn't feeling it. After getting up and trying to start my day, I crawled back into bed. My puppy (picture attached) was have none of me being in bed. She was so persistent I get out of bed and enjoy my coffee on the back patio like our normal mornings. Sometimes you just need that extra encouragement to try again.

I was sure to pick the perfect coffee mug for the day too.


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@SweetWithSour .......Your dog is adorable.
And YES, I am with you fully on how important it is to have a furry. Well, for me it's a furry, I don't mean that having a feathered or a scaly pet is not just as important.

I have been known to say that my dog is my beating heart, and i feel that literally some days. They need my love, my cheerful good morning, to be walked and fed and played with and petted every single day no matter how I feel, and that makes all the difference.

Not to mention, the puppy makes me laugh every day, sometimes before I even get out of bed in the morning, sometimes even if it is a bad day physically and/or emotionally for me. They are worth their weight in gold to me.

Today is my puppy's first birthday, so I am going to make sure he has an extra good day. Special breakfast for both dogs, new toys, special walks. Hard to believe he is already a year old. He was 12 weeks when he came to be with me.
(I also love your coffee mug!)
Your dog is adorable
Thank you! It's a good thing she's cute, she has be a destroyer of a lot of things. She likes "gardening" aka pulling on any tree, plant and branch she sees. She also likes to dig holes 😒

Today is my puppy's first birthday, so I am going to make sure he has an extra good day.
Happy first birthday to your fluffy guy! I love that you make sure he has a nice special day! I'm glad you are in each other's lives 🤗
Saturday I had to say one of the hardest goodbyes to my sweet old lady. She lived a long wonderful life with traveling and hiking. She was always by my side moving to the rooms that I was in to watch over me. We comforted each other. My other two dogs are slowly adjusting to our loss. It was the right decision and I didn't let her suffer when her back gave into her degenerative condition and her back legs stopped working after a 3am potty trip outside. She slipped in the grass. My sweet old lady was taken to a wonderful emergency vet we called in advance. They helped keep her as comfortable as possible and allowed us to make her passing peaceful and calm. I had her music playlist playing, sat on the floor next to her, stroking, and talking to her with love calmness and affection. My heart is broken. I'm glad I was able to keep myself calm and gentle for her as she crossed the rainbow bridge to be with her big sister who passed 6 years prio. My husband and I were just shattered. I'm so greatful for the time I had with my sweet baby girl. She is at peace and was not suffering for long from her catastrophic injury. My dogs are my favorite hellos and good morning. They are also my hardest goodbye


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my bella picks up on my flares and goes into depression - so if you want to know how good I am just check bella if she is missing hair then I am not too good if she has a nice coat then I am feeling good. Bella is a Tenterfield Terrier and aussie breed bit like a mini foxie with a Jack Russel temperament
@SweetWithSour I send love to you. I know how heartbreaking those goodbyes are. Had too many in my life and they all hurt. a bond with a dog is incredibly strong.
I believe strongly in the Rainbow Bridge and am certain they run free from pain. I also do believe we will be reunited with those that go before us. Because otherwise the pain we feel would surely remain unbearable. ❤
Thank you so much for your kind heartfelt words! I'm glad you had so many special bonds with your dogs and I know the void never really fills. Sending you lots of love and I too believe you will be reunited with your pack. Hugs!!!!
I'm so sorry, @SweetWithSour . My dogs are everything to me, so I know what it feels like when you lose one. Your dog was lucky to have you for her person, and I am so sorry that you are in pain and sorrow now because she had to leave. There's no avoiding it, and having them is more than worth that pain we know we are going to feel eventually, but none of that helps when the time comes to say good bye to someone you love so much, who has brought such joy to your world. The ONLY thing wrong with dogs (otherwise they would be perfect) is that they don't live long enough. I know I will never see my beloved animal companions again, the ones who have died, but they live on in my heart for as long as I am alive. Take good care of yourself, and let yourself have the time to grieve. Sending you warm thoughts......
Hi pet lovers 🐾 I have four cats at home named Caesar, Lilac, Midnight and Spots ❤️ They're super cute and have unique personalities. I recently made Instagram and TikTok accounts for them to share funny reels and inspirational posts. A lot of the quotes I use are lowkey meant to comfort myself as a Fibro warrior:


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