pay check to pay check

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I have had Fibromyalgia for several years and I suspect that I have probably had it for much longer than that, but getting and keeping jobs has been just about impossible! I have tried traditional jobs outside of the home and they were too much for how I was feeling. I have also tried many jobs that you can work at from home, but the problem is that most of those types of jobs don't pay enough money to live off of. I have found that even with several streams of work at home jobs that they just don't give me enough money to pay for anything. I have had other conditions as well as Fibromyalgia for most of my life and those conditions have contributed greatly to the pain and suffering that I go through all too often.

I have tried full time jobs which ended up being way too much for me both physically as well as mentally and emotionally, so I thought that maybe doing a job that was part time would rectify that. I had just as many challenges doing the part time jobs as I did with the full time ones. There is no easy answer, I am now at the end of my rope as far as trying to keep a job goes and so I am now going to my third hearing for SSDI. I have been trying to get it for 13 years now and it just seems like no matter how bad off you are either physically or mentally, that they just don't want to give it to you. The system does not work like it should and unfortunately it only exacerbates the conditions that I already have. I am close to 50 years old and I need to be on disability.

I have a son who has been on SSI with his own disabilities since he was a young child and I have also been a single mom for that entire time. I had to work no matter how I was feeling and I suspect that it has only added to my Fibromyalgia. My son is now 20 years old and is a big help to me as far as just making the household work from day to day. I would really be interested in hearing if anyone knows of any job that I can do from home that I don't have to put out any money and that may actually pay something to be able to live my life without adding the major stress that I have been dealing with for years in regards to my finances. I have no money coming in and I am at risk of not eating , paying my rent, or even putting gas in my car. I had to scrape up $1.00 today just to get a medication that I have to have everyday. I don't know how the these idiots in power expect anyone to be able to live when we all have such debilitating conditions.

I really feel that as time goes by that we will all see an increase in Fibromyalgia as well as in many other stress related conditions being diagnosed based on the crazy world that we are all living in. Balance is the key to feeling the best that you can and for me I try and get the sleep, exercise, and good foods that will help to keep my body and mind healthy enough to deal with all of these conditions.
That is the worse, when the condition appears people think they can make it, but when the symptoms get worse it's harder and harder to cope.
Lots of people feel lost when they have to make major changes to their lives due to the fact that they have a health condition that they're worried about. You should make sure that you are able to work very closely with your doctor, as s/he should be able to give you the help and advice that you need in order to truly get to grips with things and start improving yourself. You may feel that quitting your job has been a negative thing to do, however it should give you the time and the space to be able to start thinking about your condition and dealing with the types of things that you need to. You might, for example, want to try some new treatments or therapies that you haven't tried before. Who knows - you might decide that in a few months you're feeling ready to apply for simple work. That would help with your financial situation, at least!
I think that some things need to be matured and while deciding what sort of job we are capable of doing we do need to cut expenses to survive.
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