OMG! My eyes! My right eye kept crossing over the middle while my left stay still!

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Thank you Lobkos way.

I'll try that. Since you mentioning tinnitus, I also wonder if it could be link between that + sinusitis + severe allergies and possibly on and off TMJ? As odd as this is to me with one left eye i can still manage , or keeping both eyes look normally for a few mintues before it start over again . I've tired to lay down on my left side to see if gravity mighy effects the way it moves... it felt like it rollover a litter faster or maybe it just my imagination .. i don't Know. Maybe my screw is loose or something.

Well at least I can still make someone laugh even with my one crazy eye just by looking at them, I'm happy for now. There're a lot of senior citizen around here where i'm staying at the moment , any public embarrassment are not that big of a deal around here. Even I enjoy the show from times to time. 8)
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