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Jun 15, 2017
I have a difficult time writing short notes. Obviously not a great TWEETER LOL

So my doctor ordered a full spine MRI done in 3 parts. The MRI is the newest, latest greatest. The tech was compassionate and said that she would do her best to get the whole thing done in 2 hours or there-a-bouts. " If you're very still that will help. I usually do very well in MRI's and this new one has a para-scope that allows one to look up and see down across your whole body and actually can see the tech's behind the glass. Not that I needed that because I like to meditate when I am in the tube.

So the test went extremely well and Alison told me that the results should be in with-in 2 days. That said I got a call from my doctors nurse at 4:40 on Friday June 30th. The MRI was finished at 4 PM on June 29th. I was surprised to hear from Nurse Mary who said that there were area's of concern that had nothing to do with my spine. Hmmm, really? How is that so? The MRI see's what it see's and it say lumps and masses on my cervical spine but more concerning on my thyroid and salivary glands in my throat are multiple masses, lumps and unknowns. There is also a lump on my cervical spine that that is origine or type.

Yesterday I had four ultrasounds and one cat scan with and without contrast. We'll see how long it take to hear back.

I'm mostly upset about the past year when my doctors didn't think it important enough to have those tests done BEFORE the " Masses " grew. For one whole year my doctor told me that " you have swollen glands. For one who month I had no voice. After survey to prepare for a dental implant I awoke around 3 AM delirious and soaked with a 105 degree fever. Living alone I had to change my bed linens while shivering and luckily had a script of antibiotics that another dentist had given me a month of so before that I never took. I was lucky that they worked and my neighbor drove me to the doctor the next day. Even then he didn't order any new tests he just told me to rinse with salt water and to take aspirin. My ear started ringing and is still ringing now

The dentist wanted me to drive myself to the ER 42 miles away. I stayed home and nursed myself.

Besides my neighbors I didn't have one family member, relative, or distant friend that offered to come stay with me.

I think I am losing faith in humanity!.

Sorry to sound like Debbie Downer or Donnie Downer <g>
I'm so sorry to hear all this. You must feel so frightened and alone. Hugs to you. I'll be thinking about you and hoping that it's just one of those 'weird fibro' things. Good humanity is out there, sometimes it just takes the internet to find them. Hopefully your people will step up.
Wow, Van Gogh, that sounds terrible.

In my opinion, those doctors were treating you very callously. I have had similar treatment, so I know how it feels. It used to be that people became doctors because they sincerely wanted to help people. Now I think most of them just want to get rich, and the way that health care is managed in this country with the insurance companies and the government making giant amounts of money from it, and micro-managing everything the doctors are permitted to do, even the ones with good intentions have their hands tied.

Worst of all is to hear you actually have family nearby who don't help. I am sorry.
I hope that the masses turn out to be completely benign and nothing to worry about!
Keep us posted.
I really hope you hear the results asap, and that if there are things on those scans, that they are things that can be fixed easily.

It makes me so so so sick is how money has such power, especially when it comes to health related topics.

I don't know about your personal situation, but when I was working full-time and had private insurance, doctors would order unnecessary tests/xrays/mri scans all the time. It was truly absurd (I once had to go to the doctor for a sick-note for my work, I had the flu for the first time in my life, and he wanted to have MRI scans, ultrasounds, what not. Really absurd). It was all about making a profit, charging insurance companies, money money money.

So the rich get diagnosed on time, they get the best health care, and we...the lower/middle/honest class, we have to wait it out and suffer. Thank you so much Mr. Money and Mr. Greed.
Sorry that I posted another message about similar information. I guess I was in a stupor about all of this unexpected things that have been happening.

I did want to mention the tick bites that didn't want to heal. Sunday I found another 3 ticks on my shoulder. I'm wondering if my blood chemistry changes and the smell attracts ticks because I've had more tick bites in the last 2 months than I have had in my whole life including crawling through the jungles of North Carolina and Georgia when in the Army. I NEVER had a tick bite back then.

But here's the thing: Doctors do not know and they do not speculate anymore. When I was in 8th grade I wrote a term paper on a theory that I had about using one disease to fight another disease. Mr Burns gave me a D and laughed at the notion. Now this idea is considered cutting edge. In fact I was going to post about this in a separate post which I would like to do at another time. I'm not sure if the theory would apply to Fibro but just a couple of days ago I heard about this breakthrough discovery of using transplanted kidney's which come from donors with Hep C discovering that there is a process of curing Hep C that when put to work in a body with a transplanted kidney a series of unexpected cures result from the treatment..

I wish Mr. Burns was around now to read about this.
Obvious question (hopefully), but have you been tested for Lyme disease? That many tick bites can't be a good thing. I think you need to get antibiotics to stop the infection before it turns into full-blown lyme. And of course many of the symptoms are similar to Fibro. Aparently testing is dodgy too, as in you have to have a certain amount of the virus in your system before it shows up, and by then it might be too late to treat easily. In any case, get that checked out!

Prevention: I don't know? Deet? Stick your pants into your socks? Don't go outside..?
Lyme is spreading north and showing up in southern parts of Canada quite a bit lately too (yey climate change), so they're really ramping up awareness/detection. During my Fibro diagnosis, the first thing anyone would ask me about my symptoms is if I'd been bitten by a tick. I've probably been tested for Lyme a million times by now...

I do hope very much that those masses turn out to be benign. Sounds like you're going through a very rough and frustrating time trying to get to the bottom of your health issues.
Obvious question (hopefully), but have you been tested for Lyme disease? That many tick bites can't be a good thing. I think you need to get antibiotics to stop the infection before it turns into full-blown lyme. And of course many of the symptoms are similar to Fibro. Aparently testing is dodgy too, as in you have to have a certain amount of the virus in your system before it shows up, and by then it might be too late to treat easily. In any case, get that checked out!

Prevention: I don't know? Deet? Stick your pants into your socks? Don't go outside..?
Lyme is spreading north and showing up in southern parts of Canada quite a bit lately too (yey climate change), so they're really ramping up awareness/detection. During my Fibro diagnosis, the first thing anyone would ask me about my symptoms is if I'd been bitten by a tick. I've probably been tested for Lyme a million times by now...

I do hope very much that those masses turn out to be benign. Sounds like you're going through a very rough and frustrating time trying to get to the bottom of your health issues.

Hi Pegleg84,

Yes to the question about being tested for Lyme's. And so everyone knows what was done and why; the tick bites had the pattern of a bull's-eye so my doctor gave me a 10 day dose of doxycycline as a preventative precaution
( is that being redundant? ) and toward the end my body was not liking it very much but I took my medicine "like a man" ( kicking and screaming and crying like a baby lamb ) ( don't tell anyone that I wooed out ). But the spots not only did not get better in a couple of spots they got worse and I wondered if a piece of the tick wasn't left behind??? But the doctor said he didn't think probing was a good idea and he had me using peroxide and hydro-cortisone 1% which not only didn't work the worst of the bites on my back where I struggled to reach it was turning purple, it hurt when my shirt rubbed against it, it hurt in the shower when the water hit it, and it was excreting "yellow matted custard" ( Beatles Song Reference ) I even took my own tools in so the doctor and nurse could take a closer look but they claimed they couldn't see anything. She ordered an ultrasound of the wound. That revealed " something " but they couldn't tell what and she also agreed with my northern doctor about not probing. This past Sunday I felt something on my shoulder and saw it as 3 small black dots which turned out to be Nymph's which four of the seven were. Without the LOOP they looked like blood spots but with the look you could see the legs.

I'm one of those people who would operate on myself if I could see what I was doing and could manage the equipment steadily. The doctors are not my first choice to doctors and certainly not to operate. Back in my " I would clone myself " post; I'm saying that besides the emotional support I'm looking for I would also like to find someone insightful enough to see what most other people do not see. I would like to meet someone who would/could be as brave and or daring as I am; to do some exploring and theorizing that I mostly read about or dream about as I often do.....but we're not there as of yet with the cloning stuff so I either do an ISO in a medical journal or on the deep web or hope to find someone willing to share with me their beliefs and willingness to " go there "! That, or else I just post here to show everyone what an idiot I am <VBG> ( not afraid to admit what I am as well as what I am not )
The phone just rang and 2 appointments have been made for next week with one being for a thin needle biopsy of my Thyroid and my Salivary Gland Then there's a consultation with the ENT clinic where I'm told that I can ask about all of the dental XRAYS that these people have exposed me to over the last several years.

And that's my story in the moment.

Thanks for your thoughts and support; it is much appreciated.
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