Not sure if i have :(

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New member
Jun 1, 2018
Hi everyone

New member here - my first day actually.

I suffer health anxiety. people always ask what's bothering you? what causes the anxiety? I know very well it's health issues. Apart from how i feel health wise I have a pretty good life and nothing I should feel fearful about.

I've had Health Anxiety for at least 10 years.

Im wondering if its mainly or all anxiety or if it may be FIBORMYALGIA?

My GP thinks I have Fibro yet i went to see a specialist ( rhumatologist ) but he thinks I DO NOT have it....

My symptoms are:
* Sore/aching legs, feet
* Sore/aching lower back
* Sore/aching stomach/pelvis area
* Sore/aching and sometimes stinging bladder area
* Sore/aching rectum area? THIS CONCERNS ME THE MOST

I have had two cystoscopys and a colonoscopy and they found nothing of real interest. Ive had about 10 blood tests recently, urine tests, bone density scans, x rays, ultrasounds etc and nothing is ever found.

I do have moderate scoliosis but besides that nothing that can really warrant constant aching day and night.

I worry and obsess about it all day and everyday.

Does this sound like health anxiety or FIBRO or something else? Does anyone

have any tips that
WORK....and/or want to talk to me about it via email?
Feeling pretty down and hopeless :(

Hello James, welcome to the forum !

I am so sorry for what you have been going through! Would you be able to find someone / specialist that you can talk to, someone who can help you overcome your health anxiety?

It is a good thing that the rhumatologist thinks that you do not have Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia has more symptoms.

I hope, gradually, you would be feeling better.
Hi Jamesn,
Fibromyalgia is often related to anxiety. Many of us take Rx for anxiety. It is not unusual.
I also endure lots of pain in my lower rear end. There are tender points down there and they can really hurt. I bought a cushion to use when I sit or drive. Are you familiar with the tender points?
Sometimes it takes years to get a "for sure" diagnosis
of fibromyalgia. Don't give up
Jamesn2018, While we can not say for sure what you have, although, your symptoms sound a lot like what we are all going through, we are glad you found this forum. There are so many nice members on the site willing to give you lots of help and encouragement as you look for a diagnosis. One of the nice things about this forum is while your searching for answers you can read up on and ask questions about the symptoms your experiencing and get lots of feed-back on how to manage those symptoms.

For some diagnosis comes easy and for others the pathway is not quite clear and takes awhile. And i will admit it is a hardship if your struggling to work or even enjoy life, but it can be a blessing as well. When the doctor's say we can not find anything wrong be happy in the fact that you don't seem to have a severe illness with no recovery. And yes of course your suffering, and I agree that these symptoms can be terrible to live with but there is always hope in finding out what is wrong and maybe a cure or medications that can control the worse symptoms.

So be sure to read new and older posts and ask others how they handle their symptoms and what testing has been done. That way you have a path to follow and not feel so totally alone. Happy your here and look forward to talking with you throughout the forum.
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