Noise Noise and more noise! ahhhhhh!

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I get that 'chip bag crumpling' sound in my left ear if I lie on my right side sometimes. I figure it's fluid in my ear. I often have moisture leaking out of my ears in the night (yum! add that to the night sweats and drool!!!). I think tinnitus is fairly common with fibro. I know some people like to listen to white noise - it helps block out the ringing.

Weird about the sensitive hearing. I have super sensitive smell. I first had it when pregnant, but it's come back again. I suddenly can't eat pork, because I can actually smell the barnyard animal smell in the meat. I cooked it for my family the other day and absolutely could not eat it. The smell was revolting. I'm always complaining about smells that no one else can smell, or they'll finally smell it half an hour later.
How many of you get positional vertigo in one ear ?
Could this be a symptom of fibromyalgia ?
How many of you get positional vertigo in one ear ?
Could this be a symptom of fibromyalgia ?

what do you exactly mean by this?

The reason why I am asking I have had these bouts of dizziness - the image going left to right for about 20 seconds upon getting out of bed, and a horrible dizzy feeling when turning in bed. Just as I am about to see a doctor about it, it disappears. Then 2-3 months later, it is back again, then disappears.

After some Dr. Googling, I am guessing it could be vertigo, the crystals in my ear being out of whack, but I can't tell in which hear. How can you tell? or is it something the doctor can only tell? Thanks

And the fibro link is also one that is very interesting.

However, I don't want to go to another doctor and hear him/her say 'yeah, this is also fibro', like it is nothing. That's how they treated my IBS, my tendinis/bursitis, sleep problems, 'yeah, it is fibro, get used to it' kind of an attitude.

If a perfectly healthy person came into his/her office, that person would be diagnosed with vertigo, you know. Not 'oh it is a part of fibro'. Do I make sense? I don't know, I guess I just have to find a good doctor. The impossible mission it feels like....
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I have weird vertigo ... because everything fibro has to be weird right? I don't get dizzy at all, I just sort of topple sideways. I'll be walking along just fine and suddenly loose my balance.

I swear people must think I'm a closet drinker with the slurred speach and everything. lol
i loose my balance like that too and topple into door frames how can i miss the wide open space and topple smack with the side of my body into the door frame!

My speech also gets slow after a while of talking and i find it hard to form words like my mouth muscles and tongue gradually loose strength....i try to force it for a while to carry on a conversation then eventually have to give up and rest.
I, too, have been getting more sensitive to loud and/or harsh noises lately. Thankfully no (totally) deaf people in my house, but I do have to ask my BF to turn things down often. Not sure if my hearing becomes more sensitive, or if it's a headache without the headache kind of thing. In any case, not nice.
As for coping options: regular ol earplugs will help muffle the worst of the noise, or at least take the edge off. If you can find a not-ridiculously-expensive pair noise cancelling headphones for listening to your own stuff, it would be a good investment (or put out the word for a gift)
For your hubby, I like the personal speaker idea. Set it on a table next to where he likes to sit and have the tv sound go through that speaker only.

I've had tinnitus in my left ear for years due to a burst eardrum when I was younger. I'm pretty used to it, but I do hear all the clicks in my skull when I swallow or my head moves, etc. No idea what the morse code clicks could be (unless you can manage to decode it and find out you're picking up some super secret military communications...)
lol yes maybe fibro has turned into super powers! Respect for us at last!!! maybe we can do something others cant instead of we cant do what others do!:)
I get vertigo all the time if very bad then usually both ear, but mildly the just from my right side ear.

Weirdest thing about vertigo was that it started as just cute little soap opera head spending faint . I get dizzy everytime in tv show doing that world spinning view effects. I have to look away each time or I'll get one my self.

Each vertigo I gets the spending gets faster, and bigger each time it happen . So fast I cound't see it coming and now it like a second of flash white and I'm already on the floor or ran my head up through something.

The bigger problem is that when it comes to fibro it can turn from simply inside the ear bad balance in to brain fuction horrible balance

Now from time to time I starting to see things out of their perspective and just simply running in to thing on a regular basis. I can't drive or even ride a bicycle. And don't make me go through the spinning glass door anywhere cause I won't make it out!!

Many people call that SPD ( sensory processing disorder ). NOT to be confuse with another SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction) .

No heroic plot in my graphic novel on this one . I'm a non functional charector.
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Now thats funny right there now!!!
Thanks everyone, I appreciate the advice.
I have had ringing in both ears for 3 years now. I KNOW Its fibro relaited because when my stress level goes up, the noise gets louder. I had an offer to move in with a friend if still have problems with CONSTANT LOUD NOISE, I Will thake them up on it. SELF PRESERVATION.
I wish you the best!!!

Btw how did you manage to post with all caplock? I tried but I can't seem to do it :shock:
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Hi moe,

I can't stand loud noise, either. At least I can retreat to a quieter area in my home but when I visit my elderly father he has the TV so loud that it sends me crazy. I have to get out of there. I have asked him to turn it down or off when I visit but he loves it so I just stay a short while now. Lots of us have that intense sensitivity to sound it seems. I don't feel so alone when I hear about others. Are you really going to leave home or just while the noise is happening?

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