Multi tasking !!! I used to be a whiz, but over the years it became very planned, sort of organised (not really, as I always had curve balls coming at me), but, after breakfast and children on the school bus, then my 'routine' would start!
Put the washing on, clear the breakfast table, attend to the washing if required, back to dishes, hang the clothes, sweep the floor, washing, dishes, clothes out, etc. Pretty much over the morning.
By lunch time, clothes were on the line, dishes dried in the rack and were put away, and floor swept. On a good day, which looking back, well , happened often enough, but sometimes was nightfall by the time it was completed. Unexpected trips to town because of breakdowns etc (farm) but I managed.
Now, I am finding I must train myself to focus on one thing. Multi task now is put the washing on while I'm doing something else. Thankfully the machine sings a song on completion, and more often than not it's "oh, yes, I put the washing on, didn't I ?"
If you go to the " Help and Inspiration" forum, find the thread (been closed for some reason) but look up "Cooking Appliances". You may find some helpful tips in there