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New member
Apr 24, 2024
Hi everyone ime 58 suffered with depression and anxiety for 30 years had osteoarthritis for 10 years and got fibromyagia with occasional brain fog atm ime on venlaflaxin 325 mg cocodamol 30/500 x2 3 times a day ibuprofen 3 times a day blood pressure tablets and still full of pain I feel the docs have just gave up on me but hi everyone and thanks for listening
Hiya @getready
I just wanted to say hello and welcome.

Am sure you have had a good look round at threads and posts that may be of help to you. I am recently diagnosed with fibro and got the OA diagnosis last year too. Think a lot of forum members are working with multiple conditions.

Can you speak with a different dr/gp? I know with depression and anxiety I can feel too 'weak ' mentally to push for medical help. Is it feasible you contact your dr by email p, so you can put down all you need to tell or ask in a calm and more exact manner? I

I say this as it's just that for me, I get anxious at appts, and I kind of freeze and almost just accept what they tell me. Or, some people take a trusted person in with them, as a kind of backup support.

I wish you well
Hi @getready

Welcome to the forums. I think that's some really good suggestions by @SBee .

I'm sure you will find it comforting and reassuring to be around people that actually "get" what you are talking about.

🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗
Well went back gp yesterday as the muscle aches and pains don't seem to ease and get told do things more moderate I have a 2 hour window everyday where I can move about relatively OK by lunchtime my body's like a mannequin and back to bed

Many on here say similar to you.

I like your name. I'm sort of "get ready, get set, .....what was that ?!?!?!?! I get the foggy brain quite a bit at times 😁 😁 😁

Many on here say similar to you.
Hi @getready and @BlueBells

Yes, I have had to adapt and alter my lifestyle a lot. And that's really not easy.

We all have stuff in life we simply have to do every single day.
I know mornings are my worse,so while I keep moving as best I can, the bigger stuff gets left until after lunchtime when the pain and stiffness have lifted a bit.

It's a fine line between doing enough to keep muscles and joints moving, without doing too much the fatigue sets in. For me doing too little can be as bad as doing too much. As the stiffness intensifies.

So as you see I don't always get things right. Not sure many of us can. It's trial and error and trying to find out what our body needs on each day. Sorry that's doesn't help, but it's how I see it for me.

Maybe asked to be referred for physio? They may be able to help with getting you moving safely for your bodies needs??
I get brain fog about twice week roughly find myself doin things and don't no why I started doin it so give up its hard to try a stay if you like positive if you can when you get all these things goin on on daily basis I hear of other people on meds different to mine yet doctors seem to get u into a half OK routine with meds then put you out to grass

I think I got most of that. :)

Please understand I'm not criticising, but could you use a little punctuation, like, breaks between sentences so that two things don't get muddled together?

I get fibro fog, unpredictably. I can have a clear day, or even a clear week (hahahaha rarely), but I'll find myself standing in a room wondering why I'm there. I know this happens to everyone, but I'm finding fibromites (from a meme, and I love it ;)) tend to have it more regularly.

My cuppa often goes cold, (forgetting ) so I warm it in the microwave. I now have the habit of leaving the door open, so when I lose my cuppa, I can see if it's in the miccy, if door closed, I've found it 😁😁😁
I agree @BlueBells it is easier to read a post which is spread out a bit,( brain fog wise ) but I can sense a huge sense of frustration in @getready post there, and think it just needed to be said in that manner to vent maybe. It's not easy sometimes. So we need to just saying how we feel. Think we all understand that feeling.

Like you fog wise I have now put post it notes on machines I forget how to use correctly, and use a tablet divided as I was so was messing up the stupid amount of meds I was on. Now due to arthritis I I have had to put padding on pens and pencils as I can't grip well atm.

I was upset and annoyed feeling a failure at being force to do this, but now I see it as a total achievement to solve a problem so less stress.

now go beats up your cuppa!😍
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@SBee @getready @MissNeverWell

agree @BlueBells it is easier to read a post which is spread out a bit,( brain fog wise ) but I can sense a huge sense of frustration in @getready post there, and think it just needed to be said in that manner to vent maybe. It's not easy sometimes. So we need to just saying how we feel. Think we all understand that feeling.
Exactly !!! I understand just needing to get it out there. @getready , I hope my poor wording did not upset you, was definitely the last thing on my mind. 🤗 🤗 🤗

Now due to arthritis I I have had to put padding on pens and pencils as I can't grip well atm.

@SBee , please don't feel bad about that! In my mid 20's, my dad had the arthritis that makes knuckles swell. His doctor gave him grips, they were supplied by one of the drug companies, and he saw me having trouble trying to write, and he gave me one, saying "Here, you need this more than i do.". He thought it was quite a joke, not sure if he ever used them much at all. I used them all the time, still do. My hands lose strength quite often.

Check out stationers, as they are now quite easy to come by, but check to get one that suits you. ;)

I've always been a list person, otherwise I lose track easily.

Tablets. I've always used one of those 7 day dispensers, originally had it for one of the dogs who was on daily meds. I find them excellent, as I know where I am. (so long as I remember which day it is, that's one of the handiest things about my mobile phone 😁😁 )
Thanks @BlueBells I have taken to laughing at myself a bit with having to adapt things to work properly, I used to be upset, now I know I can't change it, except to find ways to make it work. Hence the earplugs when I have to go shopping, can't bear too much noise, so I dull it. I find myself stupid anxious when an shop, it I can't find something or need to flout of sequence it freaks me out. I think that's losing the art of multi tasking?

What day is it? a dear friend has been in hospital and said she had fish and chips for dinner - immediately I knew it just be a Friday! 😂

Multi tasking !!! I used to be a whiz, but over the years it became very planned, sort of organised (not really, as I always had curve balls coming at me), but, after breakfast and children on the school bus, then my 'routine' would start!

Put the washing on, clear the breakfast table, attend to the washing if required, back to dishes, hang the clothes, sweep the floor, washing, dishes, clothes out, etc. Pretty much over the morning.

By lunch time, clothes were on the line, dishes dried in the rack and were put away, and floor swept. On a good day, which looking back, well , happened often enough, but sometimes was nightfall by the time it was completed. Unexpected trips to town because of breakdowns etc (farm) but I managed.

Now, I am finding I must train myself to focus on one thing. Multi task now is put the washing on while I'm doing something else. Thankfully the machine sings a song on completion, and more often than not it's "oh, yes, I put the washing on, didn't I ?"

If you go to the " Help and Inspiration" forum, find the thread (been closed for some reason) but look up "Cooking Appliances". You may find some helpful tips in there ;)
Hi get ready, welcome to the forum 🪅🤗💖 is it ok to ask what the co-codamol you take is for (I take mine for headaches + pelvic) has your gp ever given you any other things to try? (Mine 1st put me on muscle relaxants, antidepressants, anti epileptics and nerve pain meds) currently I take gabapentin (takes the edge off the fibro) I have some osteoarthritis too (and auto imminune thyroid) I think I'd be so very miserable if my pain level was the same level all the time, does it make you down? (It would me) ✨🤗✨
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