New today


Jul 28, 2024
Im new today and have been reading some of the posts of which I could identify with. I only found out last week that I had fibromyalgia, after 4 years off suffering pains which started in my legs and ankles one of my legs swelled up to 3 times the size of the other leg. I had pains walking so when the shut down came I was so happy it meant I could lie in bed all day. Then I started falling out my bed when I was asleep and I could not get up again. My daughter was staying with me at that time and hard a hard job lifting me up. This went on for a while I had a zimmer for the house and one for outside they weighed a ton and as I lived on the top floor they were useless for me. Except for the one in the house. In the meantime I had all sorts of hospital appointments anyway to cut a long story short I ended up after being on a myiriad of tablets I ended up on Amitriptyline started on 20mg with tramadol and them up to 25mg and then 35mg of amitriptyline they stopped the tramadol I slept my life away. I’m now coming of the amitriptyline and finding it really hard I’m so nervous. The doctor put me back on tramadol. I only found out lately I had fibromyalgia because I kept wondering what was causing me all over pain and my feet were so painful I could barely put any weight on them. I had a really bad time around ten or more days ago when I asked my doctor what my diagnoses was and she told me fibromyalgia. Why on earth didn’t she tell me untill I asked. I’m so tired writing the amount I have so I will have to stop here for now. I’m so tired. Iv got a cat and he wants fed and he is the boss. It has been really hard I’m 73 and have had not much help from my daughter. She left as it was to much for her. Anyway it’s nice that Iv found people with understanding bye for now carol111
Hi, It is very nice to have found this forum. It's just good to know there are others who understand from their own experience what people with fibromyalgia are going through. I received my "diagnosis" about four years ago. I had a virus and felt so bad I called an ambulance. Luckily doctors at the hospital were helpful and asked the right questions and did tests to rule out other problems. However, my own doctor at the surgery just handed me something he had printed off the internet about "ME/fibromyalgia" and that was that. Four years on I have suffered a lot of horrible symptoms. It can be depressing. I have found some audiobooks which have been helpful. I'm really just trying to find the things which help and avoid things which make my symptoms worse. I wish someone could say what the cause is and what the cure is! Thanks to everyone who is on this forum, because I know how hard it is to focus sometimes. It means a lot to hear from you all. I know I will learn a lot along the way. Best wishes to everyone on this weird journey.
Hello @cher just wanted to say hello to you. Am sure you have had a browse around at a few posts and silliest a lot more about others experiences,advice and support. To be honest most of my knowledge about fibromyalgia has been from this forum.
Whilst what helps or worsens our varying symptoms can be different as individuals the key thing is everyone on here understands. You don't have to go through explanations or be met with blank looks like we often get from other people who just don't get it.

A welcome to @Grace3 too. Again,sadly many of us understand how you feel today. without you don't condescending I hope tomorrow will be a better day for you.
That sounds a bit like what happened to me. Because I couldn’t stand or walk and was also in terrible pain, I phoned my gp as it was during the day. The gp came to see me and asked me t to get out my bed to se me standing my knees just shook and I almost fell again so she called an ambulance. Where I had tests for many ailments one being covid which came hack the next day ,I got a message on my phone to tell the truth I can’t really remember all the times I was sent for to have different test. I always was brought back in an ambulance and picked up by an accident. Before I knew it. I had a horrible bath fitted as I could not get in and out a bit fixed to the top of my bed to stop me falling out. I was offered so many things but I refused them as it made it all seem to reall.I found out that I had pneumonia at time and was given antibiotics sine time has past I kept wondering what was wrong with me. I was given Dihydrocodeine tablets that did nothing for my pain
I can’t talk anymore at the moment. I woke up at 2.10am with really bad pain so I took a tramadol it’s not doing much but it’s better than nothing I had to get up to the toilet and the pain on the bones around my feet is so painful they are really swollen up. Thanks for the welcome from those who replied. There are many people who may be in pain them self my heart goes out to anyone suffering, and a big thank you to those who made me feel part of this family. Good night and God bless everyone. Love grace111