New symptoms

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Jul 10, 2020
I need some advice as my GP was no help today.
I have a strange feeling of internal vibrations and tingling across my entire body.
I have never had this before and worried now. My GP just said that's not normal, gave me more painkillers and said to go to A&E if I develop any serious symptoms (stroke related). So I am none the wiser
I have had this now for 2 weeks along with a normal for me flare up of pain pain and more pain.
Anyone else had this strange vibrations/tingling feeling ?
I think it's getting on top of me at the moment as I dont say this often, but really struggling at the moment.
Hi @Debbiep76

That sounds weird indeed. I've only had tingling in hands and feet, and that is pretty much under control with a vitamin B mix. I was told it's a circulation thing.

All over the body, I'd try and find another doctor, he/she sounds a bit like not taking you seriously. I mean, basically acknowledging there is something going on, and leaving it at that, I'd be concerned too.

I'm sure others will be along soon, I'm about to head for bed (a bit after midnight here ). Sorry I can't offer any suggestions , other than getting a second opinion.

Take care 🤗 🤗
Unfortunately it's a 4-6 week wait for a doctors appointment but might put in another request. Thanks
I'd definitely say seek a second opinion on this. It's terrible that you will have to wait so long for that, though.

Is there any chance this could be blood sugar related? Just in case it helps, maybe try cutting out absolutely all sugar completely from your diet and eat small meals throughout the day to see if that might make any difference.
Just had a recent blood test which showed absolutely nothing at all unusual.
To be honest I donf eat alot of sugar anyway, usually have a semi healthy diet so no idea where I am going from here.
Just had a recent blood test which showed absolutely nothing at all unusual.
To be honest I donf eat alot of sugar anyway, usually have a semi healthy diet so no idea where I am going from here.
Gosh, neither do I. It was just a thought on my part.

Still, if you say your diet is semi-healthy then perhaps there is room for improvement? Of course, this may not be the issue, but of course the healthier you can get your body in other ways the better equipped it is to deal with whatever is going on.

One other thought.....could it be anxiety?
Definately could be anxiety / stress. I constantly feel in a panic state if that makes sense?
I went to GP for help but didnt get very far unfortunately. My entire body is tingling and its blooming awful not knowing why
Definately could be anxiety / stress. I constantly feel in a panic state if that makes sense?
I went to GP for help but didnt get very far unfortunately. My entire body is tingling and its blooming awful not knowing why
OK, you have answered your own question right there. It is your anxiety that is causing this feeling you are having.

I highly recommend that you work on getting that anxiety level under control. My suggestion to you is that you find out for yourself what works to calm you down and make you relaxed. Is it a cup of tea and music? A hot bath? Aromatherapy, meditation, guided meditation, a long walk, exercise, yoga.....there are thousands of possibilities and if you search online for how to reduce anxiety you will find them all and you can try them out and see what combination of things works for you.

Being constantly in a state of low grade panic is extremely unhealthy, and is guaranteed to make everything else worse. You need to get this under control as soon as you can, and since sadly you are not getting immediate help from a doctor you will have to tackle it yourself. There are anti-anxiety medications that could quite possibly help you a lot.....maybe you can ask for that the next time you do get to see a doctor, if this is still happening by then.

Other than that, do your best to remove everything from your life that could even possibly be a cause for this panic/anxiety. No matter what else you do, if you don't remove the source, it will only be a bandaid, and not effective long term.

If there is a hotline that you can call for people who are in some kind of crisis you could try that, as well, and just see if talking with someone now and then helps to soothe you. And for the longer term, see if you can find a therapist or counsellor to talk with about your anxiety.
I get what you are saying. Unfortunately the only thing that helped me somewhat relax i can't do anymore. Was exercise but on top of this i have as yet undiagnosed abdominal pain and i struggle just to walk the dogs. Again, my GP not in a rush to help with this diagnosis either.
Hopefully amitriptyline will help me and I will request another appointment with the GP to ask for more help.
Can anxiety etc cause tingling etc to the entire body then?
OK, the one thing you used to do you can't do it's time to find something new.
Don't defeat yourself before you even begin by telling yourself that if you can't do what used to work you can't do anything.
There are thousands of ways to deal effectively with anxiety, and you can and will find something else that works great for you if you only try.

Getting a diagnosis from a GP is not going to help you to control your anxiety, so try not to be hung up on whether or not you are getting that, or anything else, from your doctor. Just move forward and find something that you can do to help yourself now. You can do this. You don't need to wait for a doctor.

It is possible that your anxiety is causing your abdominal pain, and as for the tingling you describe, I already said, anxiety can cause this. High anxiety can cause just about anything negative to happen in the body, which is why it is dangerous and needs to be controlled. I am not a doctor so of course I am saying this is possible, not that it is what is causing it. Only a medical professional can tell you the cause.

It's possible that the amitriptyline will help you with the anxiety -- it has been known to help people with this. But it is not a magic pill, and it doesn't work for everyone. If this extremely high level of anxiety and the tingling and so on started since you started taking that medication it is possible the medication could be causing your anxiety to rise rather than being helpful, as it sometimes does this in some people. If this is the case, call your doctor and report this to them.
But if the anxiety and tingling and so on pre-date the start of your taking that medication, I would suggest you follow doctor's advice and give it a really good try to see if it helps. With these meds it often can take three weeks to a month before you really start to see results.

Right now - starting today -- make it your mission to find something that will help you to relax and reduce your stress and anxiety. No one can do this for you, not even a doctor. It's up to you, but there's tons of help online for this and we are here to support you.
If @sunkacola (above) suggestions don't work, I'd consider seeing a neurologist. If it is not anxiety, a neuro visit may help.
Will just ride it out I think. No way I can get an appointment with my GP about this any time soon let alone be referred.
Maybe and hopefully it will settle down
I need some advice as my GP was no help today.
I have a strange feeling of internal vibrations and tingling across my entire body.
I have never had this before and worried now. My GP just said that's not normal, gave me more painkillers and said to go to A&E if I develop any serious symptoms (stroke related). So I am none the wiser
I have had this now for 2 weeks along with a normal for me flare up of pain pain and more pain.
Anyone else had this strange vibrations/tingling feeling ?
I think it's getting on top of me at the moment as I dont say this often, but really struggling at the moment.
Hello @Debbiep76 ,
The tingling and vibrations are very prominent for me. Especially the front of my thighs and arms. It travels a bit too. Sometimes it turns into pain, sometimes not. I have had no real success with anti inflammatories.

I did have some left over acet/oxycodone combo which I tried one day and it did help. However, my family has a strong history of addiction and drug tolerance so I'm hesitant to take them on the regular. I wanted to be able to go out with family for the day and enjoy myself.

I have a heating pad/massager that I like to use on bad days. The pain doesn't completely go away but it feels good.

I'm really concerned that your GP minimized your condition to the degree he left you at strokes doorstep. I contemplated what I should do the other day when the left arm pain radiated and my shoulder /upper left chest hurt. Heart attack? Since I was breathing ok, I let it pass. Scary though.

Please be careful with the painkillers. Plus, just because he's an MD, doesn't mean he is either right or knows your body as well as you!
Unfortunately my GP surgery is useless. I previously sent to them for some worrying symptoms and they shrugged me off. Eventually managed to get seen at the hospital and had to have pre cancerous cells removed that my GP had ignored. So I am currently just trying to ride it out and hope it passes. No point asking for any further help from them.
So had a call from GP today. Told her I was still not sleeping as entire body tingling, vibrating etc. She said to give it 6 weeks and if no better to get back in touch with fhem.
So, 6 weeks of no sleep and being on edge with worry etc. Brilliant.
Then when I do go back and ask for another appointment, waiting time for one is 4 weeks so 10 weeks in total until i can see someone again.
In the meantime i still have to work and run a household ........
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