I recently had to look up Cat’s Claw and they just meant Arnica.
Ah, I thought I was gonna get around delving into cat's claw, but any company claiming it's arnica is throwing a gauntlet at me personally
, so I have to.
Wikipedia names 10 "cat's claw" plants, the 3 called
uncaria are all used in traditional medicine, the one of these we know / use is
Uncaria tomentosa. So I'm 100% sure arnica here is "uncaria" misread!
Used for immune system, inflammation (& Alzheimer), side effects (rarely) headaches, dizziness, vomiting.
Just realized the 4 sorts on the previous thread-page was devil's claw, not cat's claw.
The devil's claw used as a medical herb (inflammation, lower back pain, gut; side effects diarrhea & skin) is
Harpagophytum (procumbens).
@Auriel: how about
these (right) alternative names for arnica for quirkiness:
"Arnica is also known by the names mountain tobacco and confusingly, leopard's bane and wolfsbane—two names that it shares with the entirely unrelated genus Aconitum." Now probably better than me you'll know the metal/hard group Wolfsbane from the 80s/90s (singer went on to Maiden) named after it....
Leopardsbane is still waiting to be taken
. But may be confused with Def Leppard, my wife just added.