Neck pain


New member
Oct 16, 2024
Hi all
Has anyone ever experienced neck pain that feels like a trapped nerve ? I woke up yesterday morning and couldn’t turn my head to the right up or down. everytime I triy to move it I have a shooting pain in the side of my neck that goes up the back of my head. It’s giving me horrible headaches is this normal ? It’s so painful when it happens I takes me to my knees 😢
@Terri2021, I am so sorry to hear you are experiencing such horrible neck/head pain. I, too, have had my fair share of those issues too. I ended up going to a University Hospital Pain Clinic and they offered me the following: weekly PT, 20 minutes epson salt baths every night, and a muscle relaxer. For me, my muscle relaxer is a game changer. It helped so much. I hope you can find relief soon.
I experience something similar along with painful spots on my scalp.
At one time it was diagnosed as occipital neuralgia when it also involved eye pain. Muscle relaxers were and still are very useful for the pain. Also, neck exercises I learned in physical therapy.

Just a side note, it certainly seems many of us with fibro have neck problems. I wonder if we could add up how many in this forum have been in car accidents. I've been in 8, six in which I was a passenger. The two when I was driving I hit my head on the windshield and shattered it. Three others were when we hit deer and I was a passenger. And the 3 others also involved jerking motions of the head forward. Hmm...
@30 plus years, oh my gosh!! Do you have PTSD?? That’s a lot of car accidents. I do think you may be on to something bc I did get into an accident, which did cause me to have PTSD. I was having issues with my neck prior to accident but it became worse and that is when my FM started and took over my body.
Terri, did you do anything out of the ordinary a few days prior to your neck pain? For example, sometimes if I clean the house for too many hours, it can cause neck pain the following days. If I need to clean my window, I know I can only do four windows a day and give myself a few days to recover before tackling the next four windows. It seems normal activities need to be taken at a slower pace over a longer stretch of time to accomplish minimal side effects.
@Terri2021 .....if you know of, or can find, a good chiropractor they may be able to fix this for you in just one adjustment. It sounds as if you slept on your neck wrong, and/or you may have a pinched nerve.

any time that something new happens like this, you should get treatment for it and/or see your regular doctor. It's always tempting to attribute everything to fibromyalgia, and we all do that at times, but having fibro doesn't mean that everything that goes on for us is caused by fibro, and any new thing should be checked by a doctor.
I do have a chiropractic but the thought of her even touching me made me want to shrivel up ! 🤣
Not that I can think of ! It’s so strange. Iv been doing some light exercises on YouTube to untrap the nerve which I think has worked but now I feel like I’m left with bruises all up the side of my neck and the back of my head but nothing visible it’s just awful 😩 you really don’t realise how much you use a part of your body until you can’t .
I do have a chiropractic but the thought of her even touching me made me want to shrivel up ! 🤣
I know the feeling. And, of course, you know what's best for you. But even on the days I felt as you are feeling, and even when the adjustment was painful, the relief that always came afterwards was more than worth it to me!
I often experience this upon awakening. Severe pain left neck where it inserts into cranium. Awful headache. I ice the painful parts and on the worst days I may use Norco to keep self harm demons at bay. Sorry for your pain.
You might want to try gently treading water. Not swimming, just treading.