Natural/OTC Pain Management Tips?

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Apr 8, 2014
My husband has a rod in his leg from a really bad car accident when he was a lot younger. It puts him in an immense amount of pain. Doesn't have much to do with Fibromyalgia. But, my friend who has that condition has always given me pain management advice.

Him going to the doctor right now is not an option because he doesn't have insurance.

He also does not have teeth (also from the accident) people just look at him and think he is a drug addict because of his lack of teeth. So.... He doesn't usually get any kind of medical help with the pain.

Does anyone have any natural or over the counter pain management suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
Is the pain widespread, or just around the rod? If it is specifically around the rod, I can't be sure any remedy is going to help until the rod is adjusted.

But high doses of tumeric help with the same issues ibprofun helps with, because tumeric is a strong anti-inflammitory. Try tumeric pills. Also, try mixing a squirt of oil of oregano into hot water and have him drink it. Oil of oregano kills germs, bacteria, viruses, and other bad substances. It can internally heal an infection.

I love acupncture, and recently discovered acupressurr mats to use at home. They are around $20-30. They are mats you lay on with spikes all over that dig into your back and neck. They don't puncture the skin. It increases circulation greatly, relaxes the muscles and body, and reduces pain a lot.

I hope he can manage and start to heal!
I use a very strong oil named ''Tei Fu'', this oil is made by an american company named ''Nature's Sunshine''. It's awesome, I apply it on the affected area and always get some relief, sometimes the relief lasts 2 or 3 hours. I just use a few drops at a time, but so far this tiny bottle of oil has helped me to get thru some really difficult times and has helped me feel better about myself (I feel so down when I am in pain). You can give this one a try, I hope it helps him.

Please let us know how it goes for him, I hope he recovers very soon :)
Hello, dlwright,
sorry to hear about your husband to suffer. I also have no med insurance , so I know how hard it is to strrugle with the pain and other medical issues by yourserlf. I use dry golden sea cucumber powder to reduce the pain and infflamation in my joints and muscles. You can find a lot of information about it on the Web. It works for me, so hope it will work for your husband. Let me know how it goes Zanna
I know what you mean about the teeth thing. My husband's were ruined because of chemotherapy and he really needs to just get what is left of them pulled out but he is afraid to go to the dentist for fear of being called an addict.

As far as a natural way of helping with pain, we recently discovered Kratom (which I've ordered online) and it works surprisingly well.
I was going to say kratom works well and is legal.
My husband has a rod in his leg from a really bad car accident when he was a lot younger. It puts him in an immense amount of pain. Doesn't have much to do with Fibromyalgia. But, my friend who has that condition has always given me pain management advice.

Him going to the doctor right now is not an option because he doesn't have insurance.

He also does not have teeth (also from the accident) people just look at him and think he is a drug addict because of his lack of teeth. So.... He doesn't usually get any kind of medical help with the pain.

Does anyone have any natural or over the counter pain management suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

I am really sorry to hear about your husband's pain and the fact that his teeth have been knocked out as well. Like already stated in some other posts above, turmeric and ginger can help with inflammation. I also had good results taking valerian for nerve pain and exhaustion. Hypericum is not exactly for pain, but it also has a beneficial effect on the nerves, which might help your husband to be able to relax and deal with the pain better. Also it helps with depression.
I hope you and your husband can find some good alternative medicines for what he is experiencing right now.
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