Natural Herbs for Fibromyalgia

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I have a new herb that I am now trying, it is called Fenugreek, and it is also an anti-inflammatory.

I'm so glad to hear that your swelling/stiffness is better and responding! Wouldn't it be amazing if things like this would end up being a way to drastically lessen the pain for fibro sufferers?! :!:

I've heard this word, Fenugreek (although I wouldn't have had a clue how to spell it!) but I think I've only heard it in relation to tea. Am I wrong on that, or is it often made into a tea?
I was reading an article on basil , and it said that basil actually has the same anti-pain properties as another well-known , but mostly illegal, herb that many people use for pain relief. It does not contain the properties that will make a person high, but it does have the ones that are anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving.
I have not tried this, so I don't know of it helps or not, but I have some basil out growing in the garden, so the next time I put it in my salad, I will have to pay attention and see if I feel better.
If I can find the article again, I will post the link here for others to read.
I just read recently in the New Choices in Natural Healing book, by Prevention Magazine, that using barley green is good for fibro. It seems it has anti-inflammatory agents. Said to just sprinkle it on your salad or mix one or two tablespoons in water and drink it straight, every day. Barley green is usually available in health food stores.

Has anyone here every tried using this or heard of using barley green for fibro muscle pain? :)
I was told by my Acupuncturist to start taking Zyflamend which contains turmeric and apple cider vinegar. Will see how it goes.

Hi I just started taking Zyflamend as well. It's only been a week. It got excellent reviews. I hope it helps.
I also take Zyflamend, as well as extra turmeric and ginger. In reply to one question about interactions with medications, I suggest checking the University of Maryland's website. They have a lot of natural remedies listed and whether or not there are drug interactions. I would especially look up the ingredients listed in the Zyflamend because it has a lot of different things in it known for reducing inflammation. Of course, always ask your doctor also. The doctors sometimes scoff at the natural remedies because most of them don't seem to think they work, but I figure doctors don't know everything.
Thank you guys for posting this information here. I would much rather try alternative methods and supplements than take this prescription stuff they want me to take. I went off meds quite some time ago but only because I couldn't function when I took it. I have to watch my intake of herbs and supplements because I don't want to use something that will interfere with my thyroid issues. So I will definitely be looking into some of these.
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