I've mostly accepted I'm losing my hair at 37
We're the same age, Andrea!
I rocked a GI Jane-esque buzz cut for almost a decade. I originally shaved my head for charity, but having gone through a series of traumas up to that moment, I found it oddly liberating, and decided to keep it. Years later, after I arrived in Portugal, my best friend here went through a long battle with breast cancer that sadly defeated her in the end. While she was going through rounds of chemo, we'd roll about running errands as baldies together, giving people a little sparkle of attitude if they reacted strangely to us! I think it helped her a lot.
Sometimes, it can be so unfair how much is out of our control, but state of mind can be so powerful in helping us dig deep and get through it. I have the feeling that you're already pretty good at harnessing that! Christopher's totally right - you never know if you might be looking back at this in the not-too-distant-future as something that is behind you - but in the meantime, wielding that acceptance as you quest on is epic.
On the fatigue, you've probably read it on other threads already, but some of us find supplements make a big difference. I talk CoQ10, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and Acetyl L-Carnatine daily, and that's given me more energy and mental clarity - not perfect, but a lot better! These target mitochondria, which are like the little energy converters in each of our cells. Poor mitochondrial function has been tied to fibro, which is what made me go down that path. If you Google it, you can read about that. Apparently, thyroid hormones have a direct impact on mitochondrial function too.