My body literally feels like I've been beaten

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It is really hard to wait for test results. I was on pins and needles waiting for my blood tests last May.

I hope the Cymbalta helps you.
Hey Hippiechick :)
How is the Cymbalta working for you?
I take Cymbalta, Celebrex, Gralise and Pramipexole for my Fibro. Lately tho, since September 19th, I have had strange things happening to me.
I have been going thru some strange shtuff. At first it was one body part at a time, then two at a time, then three and today my whole body is in pain. My body parts are swelling up: hands, knees, feet, ankles, calves,a rib and yesterday I woke up with swollen jaw joints. The pain was so off the charts that I could feel it in my ears and also in my throat if I breathed in deeply.
I went to see my general physician a few days after the swellings started. He said Fibro doesn't present itself that way. He said it looked like synovial tissue that was swollen and that I should see my rheumy. Luckily, I am seeing a rheumatologist this afternoon. Hopefully she can give me something to stop the swellings and let me know what the heck is causing them.
Best of luck with your shtuff!
How is the Cymbalta working for you? I have an appointment on the 21st with my rheumatologist. We need to talk about other meds as they don't want me to keep taking Naproxen.
I have been told that Prozac worked for a friend of mine. Has anyone had success with that med?
I have had terrible swelling in different body parts, usually one at a time: hand, foot, ankle, rib, jaw joints. I finally got to see the rheumy and she ordered several blood tests. They took 7 vials of blood. That's a topper for me. I should find out the results Wednesday or Thursday. Doc suspects RA, Lupus or something else I guess. I'll find out soon enough. I try to let go of the anxiety of waiting.
Hi Getmegirl,
I am currently taking Cymbalta and Celebrex. How do you know if a medicine is working unless you stop taking it? I mean, I still have flare-ups and quite often too. How many good days per week do you think you have?
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