Muscle issues/sensations that Fibromyalgia can cause

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The rib/muscle pain is gone now. Full range of motion and no sensitivity. I've been off the muscle relaxants for a few days, which is great. I didn't need the extra fatigue and fogginess that they caused.
Have you been checked for gallstones and liver?
That would be just below your right side of lower ribs.
I have FM and CFS/ME. I had to have my gallbladder out due to discomfort there (had a massive gallstone). Made no difference to my conditions.
I suffer with very bad rib and chest tightness, pain and getting nowhere with dr’s . One minute they say costochondritis, then no FM (in other words costochondritis 🙄). However it doesn’t fall within those sym.
I have very poor go surgery tbh and I wish you more luck than me.
Take care x
Hi, new here and immediately saw this post about ribs. It is called costochondritis and sometimes part of fibro, sometimes not. My fibro journey started with the costochondritis thar my doctor diagnosed. Its a painful inflammation of the ribs and ribcase, can affect the face, jaws, clavicles, hands. the ribcage is very tender to the touch. My fibro flare ups are always in the ribs. Not much to do other than try to calm the bodys nervsystem which is my general approach to fibro.
Hi J,
I agree, avoid going near a hospital etc for now, just not worth the risk. I wouldn’t encourage phone consultations tbh. I’ve had a few and seriously a waste of time, bit of lip service I felt. Unfortunately face to face on medical is very important and almost impossible (rightly so unlike an emergency)right now. X
I have been to so many doctors, orthopedics, urinalysis, pain management and none of them, plus nurses have done anything about where my one pain originates from. The main one is in my right leg below the knee, starting on the right side of my vulva. I know it sounds crazy, but it is there and has been there and no one pays attention. I hurt worse there in my leg if it is straight (in bed or my recliner). My bone even kills me. The other pains in my body I have controlled some with herbs. I had 9-10 number chronic pain for 4 months and no doctor would give me anything for pain. I don't understand any of this new medicine. I am 77 years old, healthy heart and breathing ok too. I am not a drug pusher or a drug taker, but I did need something for awhile for this pain. It really disgusts me. I have been healthy all my life until I moved to this tundra, but my age too.
Dusty, you haven't mentioned trying gentle physio, like osteopathy or acupressure, and see what they can find and treat?
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