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Mood Elevating Playlist

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Feb 21, 2024
Love and Light Everyone!!

I wasn't sure where to put this but I hope it helps someone. I was listening to a woman Zoha discussing self care. She said, "Music." Think about those songs that mean so much to you, that make you happy. Melodies, artists that make your spirits soar. Take all of this "mood elevating music" as she called it and make yourself your own playlist.

The next time you have one of those days due to your symptoms or whatever - fill in the blank__________. Get that Playlist out.
Glad this works for you.
Me...... I find music playing to be nothing but annoying, and I need as much quiet as possible.
To each their own.
Glad this works for you.
Me...... I find music playing to be nothing but annoying, and I need as much quiet as possible.
To each their own.
Absolutely. I did think about situations where music wouldn’t work. What about when one needs to sleep? Has a migraine etc?
Just another option.
When at wits end, what do others do to try to get back on track?
When at wits end, what do others do to try to get back on track?
Be in the garden, whether I can do a bit or just watch who's growing and who's flying.
Music did help me till September, now it causes irritation and pain after more than 5 mins.
At least I've minimized the nausea from listening to music and talking using nux vomica D12.
So maybe I'll find something. But I don't miss it, altho I was a musician - the birds are enough now.
I do keep trying and get new earworms going, they're OK.
More irritating = un-useful is not being able to listen to videos/webinars on health and gardening - but it saves time, I spose, got so much to do... 👐

Edit: Drat, just tried a 3' track, fairly calm, and got nauseous and dizzy even from just that. Hadn't been taking nux vomica the past few days, just avoided listening... Taken it now. Altho often too late if it's already started. It can last for hours.
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I enjoy a classical music radio station early on in the day - the playlists are quite gentle and soothing . But after that the music choices seems far louder and jarring to my ears. I know I have become more noise intolerant. Early evening onwards I need utter quiet. No noise, no phone or computer,just me and a book to wind down.

For me, when it just gets too much I agree with @JayCS, I get outside , walk a little if I can, or just be in the garden watching and listening to the birds, checking what plants are coming up. And trying not to notice all the work out there that desperately needs doing... So I cheat a bit by only tidying up the areas close to the windows we see most. Wildlife prefers a messier place anyway. Being outside always gives me a balance and yet also invigorates.
I find hikes in volume or high / bright frequencies too uncomfortable / painful. After having to quit music in the early 2000s I got rid of my CD and tape collection. Other than noticing good movie soundtracks I didn't listen to music as a hobby again until 2019. Slowly but surely I've built up to listening to some most days. Love and Happiness comes by Al Green comes to mind for something cheerful.
Oh I find @Badger just having the volume on tv or radio just one click too high is almost painful. Bit tricky when I have tinnitus in both ears so then find I can't hear some quieter tones....bright white light on tv adverts make me cover My eyes too.

My happy music gateway to day, today I choose George Harrison Here Comes The Sun, gently uplifting. 🌞
That's a lovely tune, definitely a gently uplifting classic. I also have tinnitus, it's annoying and loud at night but I'm probably distracted by other things such as aches a lot of the time.
I love music! I have my music playing from morning until early evening. It does indeed lift my mood, sometimes makes me want to dance, takes me out of myself and any self-defeating thoughts, and it's beautiful!
Typically, I have several favorite genres of music, but sometimes I need something else and I switch up my playlist to suit the situation.
All of that said, there is also a time for silence and quiet. Those times are important for me too. Just complete stillness and only listening to the passive sounds around me.
Music, like love, is one of the universal languages everyone can understand. Namaste. 🤗
On the subject of noise sensitivity, has anyone used noise cancelling headphones? There was thread I found from several years ago, nothing so recent.

I find when I am in stores ( i.e as little as possible...😂) the constant barrage of voices, music and trolleys clattering make me want to scream or run away. It's a real overload.
I was contemplating noise cancelling headphones ( I think earbuds would annoy me) I don't want anything that connects to phones or games or whatever - I want away from noise not add more!
Also am concerned about the comfort side of them in case they feel too tight. I already can't tolerate right clothes etc

Any advice\experience???
On the subject of noise sensitivity, has anyone used noise cancelling headphones?
I find when I am in stores ( i.e as little as possible...😂) the constant barrage of voices, music and trolleys clattering make me want to scream or run away. It's a real overload.
I was contemplating noise cancelling headphones ( I think earbuds would annoy me) I don't want anything that connects to phones or games or whatever - I want away from noise not add more!
Also am concerned about the comfort side of them in case they feel too tight. I already can't tolerate right clothes etc
I used them in the fibro clinic 3 years ago where I had noisy bed neighbours, but needed ear plugs under them, they didn't help me that much and hard keeping them on while sleeping.
When sensitive I use ear plugs, esp. kid visits, they're all noisy, both generations, 4 of 5. And need lots of breaks from them, every 20 mins, best just with 1 grandkid alone.
Stores I reduce by usually going when no one else does, I'm usually pretty much alone.
And often put both my hoodie hoods over for noise and light. (Evenings I should be avoiding blue light from above, but I'm only in 15-20 mins., can't manage longer anyway.)
I just do not go into stores that are overly noisy.
I walked into one a couple years ago, a place I had not been in before. The lights overhead were extremely bright, and were flickering. Right in front of the entrance was a TV screen with a loud, brightly colored commercial playing, for a product they sell in the store, and I could see that on every aisle there were more screens playing other ads of a similar type.
I spun on my heel and walked out again as fast as I could. It's a national chain store and I'll never go into one of those again. Honestly, I do not know how people can stand that. I couldn't stand that kind of thing even before I developed fibromyalgia.

I am incredibly fortunate to live in a place that is very quiet. I chose my home here in large part because of that quiet. Before I decided to live here I came here at all times of day and night to find out what noise there was or was not. Most of the time all I hear is nature sounds: birds, wind, coyotes. There are vehicles that come and go during the day, sometimes an airplane, but not frequently, and at night it is silent and dark. I don't think I would survive if I had to live any place that was noisy or had very many people around me.
Thank you @JayCS

I wear earplugs at night to block out any odd noises. I may experiment with them in a store to see if it makes a difference though. I tend to avoid big social occasions as best so can, like yourself for the overwhelming noise. And if you have one grandchild with you are a time I think you are able to have a more intense one on one time to share with each other.

@sunkacola I would so much avoid any store like that. I think it would take me some time to get over such sensory overload. I do much shopping online now, mostly to avoid such situations. The essential food shops, we do once a week and an am very organised so so get in and out as quick as possible.
Luckily, like yourself, we are able to live on the edge of a small village, a dead end road so only traffic is from the 4 nearest homes. Our walks can be quiet, just bumping into some local folk for a chat, or we can choose to go over local fields\woods to avoid anyone and just breathe the air and peace.
I think I have always been like this. Wonder if it is character\personality? Or was there always an underlying cause?be

Think I will try earplugs first as I am used to the feeling,headphones may feel too ' heavy '
Thank you both
I enjoy a classical music radio station early on in the day - the playlists are quite gentle and soothing . But after that the music choices seems far louder and jarring to my ears. I know I have become more noise intolerant.
I think you may be talking about 'Classic FM', if so, yes time-wise it does vary from calm to, shall we say, 'energetic'.
I use it nightly as a calming & relaxing sleep aid from about 10/11pm onwards when 'Calm Classics' starts, to I believe 1am.
Though I never reach that late hour, as with this wonderfully soothing music & a sleep med, I'm asleep within minutes
& as my TV has a Timer with switch-off facility, I don't even have to do that.
Yes @Rainbow, it is indeed Classic FM. I love the morning shows, a slow calming start, having never been a morning person. Even worse now the pain and stiffness is at its worse then until an hour midday. So loud shouty music is too much after 9/10 am.

I did also used to fall asleep to classic FM many years ago. I think dear old Henry Kelly was a night time presenter. In those days I have no facility to have auto switch off, so so would wake up, stumble to the radio then back to bed.
I am always amazed some classical music has the ability to both calm me and uplift me at once.

If I am in the mood to listen to something lively, to dance to or sing (badly) to, we use a Country music station, plays both old and new stuff.
I remain envious of those in the U.S who seem to have endless country music stations on tap.😁
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