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Massage for Temporary Relief?

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A few have ask me where I got my vibrating mat and must say a friend gave it to me, but I checked into it and they can be found online at some walmart stores and be sure to check amazon and sears, and other areas that have household goods. Do a web search for full- length vibrating mats and hopefully you will find someplace local or where you have boughten things before. I would pick a regular store over ebay, just for safety sake. also watch for them at yardsales, but be sure to test it to make sure it works. They cost new from 30-75 dollars depending on the brand. I think mine came from a walmart store. Good luck! :)
I am getting a professional massage mostly for my right side TMJD. All the muscles and down into my shoulder and arm allll hurt really bad. I can't move my neck without it popping a little bit. I went to a Chiropractor and it didn't help much. I am very much looking forward to my massage tomorrow. I definitely need it. It is not gonna put me in as much pain as I am now. Pain level at about an 8.5 right now! just took my meds. I hurt so bad tonight.
The person who I know with the disease has tried this, and they said that it can definitely help with the pain a little bit. One of the problems that might arise is the fact that it can cost quite a lot of money if you want to do this regularly, so you should be on the look out for places that have special offers. If you have a college near where you live, you might find that that students who are studying massage would like somebody to practice on, and you would therefore be able to get it for free. If you get somebody who is in their final year and about to qualify, then the treatment that you would get would be almost as good as what you could pay a large hourly rate for somewhere else.
It helps my husband out a lot. I just give him the massages myself. It is way to expensive to have them done weekly around here, so I give him one when he feels he needs it. If it hurts too much we stop. Often times he says that it does help him out though.
I am getting a professional massage mostly for my right side TMJD. All the muscles and down into my shoulder and arm allll hurt really bad. I can't move my neck without it popping a little bit. I went to a Chiropractor and it didn't help much. I am very much looking forward to my massage tomorrow. I definitely need it. It is not gonna put me in as much pain as I am now. Pain level at about an 8.5 right now! just took my meds. I hurt so bad tonight.

:-( Whoa, so sorry to hear about that 8.5 you had two days ago. I hope there's been some relief, and hopefully from the massage you had yesterday... did it help at all?

I would assume there are different kinds of massages and that one for fibro is very different from a massage someone would be given for just going in to "get the kinks out." Is that accurate, do you know?
I am new here and in the process of being diagnosed. I have been doing my own massage with my foam roller that I was using after long runs. I am trying to use it at least once a day. It REALLY hurts when I am using it but I feel better after. They are not expensive and there are tons of videos on YouTube for ways to do it on different Muscles. Just never roll over a joint.
I agree that a massage treatment ca really help make the muscles and body feel a lot better, but it is simply not affordable for some of us, and definitely for me. I would love to have one of the full body mats, and ad not heard of that before.
Does anyone know where to find one, and now much they cost ?
What I have is one of the rechargeable handheld vibrators, and use it on my shoulders, and also on my feet. It really helps a lot when I use it, but one to lay on would do so much more.
I read on yahoo answers in Britain about a woman who claimed that slow dancing really helped her fibromyalgia.
Massages are great! I pony up a massage every few months -- it acts like a "reset" button for me. I've found the myofascial release method works the best for my pain. It can be really painful while it's being done, but, man, afterwards you feel great! If you're not too tender, it might be something to look into.
I would give a large heating pad a try, especially in the winter months. Move it around your body when it becomes too warm. I've found that this works wonders. I'm surprised it isn't more of a common treatment. I guess it is too simple to generate any buzz.
I would give a large heating pad a try, especially in the winter months. Move it around your body when it becomes too warm. I've found that this works wonders. I'm surprised it isn't more of a common treatment. I guess it is too simple to generate any buzz.

Good to hear that a heating pad works so well for you! I've seen some that are being sold specifically for fibro and it always makes me wonder if what it boils down to is a regular ol' heating pad that most of us already have in our medicine cabinets. I have to assume they are because... well a heating pad is a heating pad no matter how it's hyped up, right?! Calling it a "Fibro Heating Pad" really doesn't make it different. (That's a name I made up because I can't remember what the names of some of them are.)

*BUT* I did see one that was huge... like full body, and cost $700 if I'm not mistaken. Now that might make a difference, but many people don't have that kind of money lying around... or even if they do, to spend it on something they really have no idea if it will be effective for their pain or not.
Like I stated above you can find them for about 35 to 70 dollars depending on what type you get. They are easy to use with the option of using the heat. If you can afford a massage done by someone else you could afford a full length mat. :)
I did the trifecta today. A long, hot shower followed by a massage then straight into a heating pack. I feel pretty good. If only I had the time to do that every single day. Then I would probably be pain free. These massages are expensive though. Does anyone use a jacuzzi? I bet that would help too. Do you all go to professional masseuses or what?
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